What if we only can lease a maximum of 50% of our nxt forging power (or x% amount)? This would help get a low standard deviation for forging fee while if someone want its full forging power for all his nxt, he would still have to run a node.
You are assuming it was "part of the plan" to have a very large number of people running nodes.
The "plan" as far I as understand it now was to have a relatively small number of "super nodes" controlling the network.
The vision of Nxt is/was really to compete with Ripple rather than with anything else.
Been thinking.... how different is this for NXT compared to Ripple or Bitcoin, Ripple has its servers, Bitcoin now has its pools and its really the pools that control the network.
NXT has a huge advantage here - the pool is the node, you don't need thousands of computers providing mining power to the pool..... your stake is the equivalent of GHs but all you need to do is loan it to an entry to forge with and wait to receive the returns.
The people who run the nodes supporting a community of forgers who have leased their stake to it will have to invest in a reliable network kit, do this efficiently and provide a return - to me its like putting your stake in a bank and waiting for some interest.
People who have a large investment in NXT would run a node to secure the network as would others,
I think CIYAM is right, they will buy their own stakes or like exchanges use their NXT working capital to forge with, and there is nothing wrong with this....\
Clearly in the case of an exchange I hope an enlightened exchange owner will eventually offer a return on the forging to customers so they also store their NXT there and earn 'interest' on it.
Other people will set up services like NXT IO (i have 60k in there - call me a fool if you like but I will trust them) because we need something, unfortunately NXTPool already folded because of lack of support, which I can understand when you have to send your NXT to them, which is why we need leasing.
and at the moment all we have is debate.People are also bitching and moaning about forging/fee's not being viable etc...
I have stated before that there are platforms which do this for less than 1 euro cent per TX today, no they are not decentralised (well they are clustered) they provide full transaction confirmation in real time (<10s) between 2 parties, run at over 300 tps and plans are in place for 1000tps+
NXT has the opportunity to deliver at this cost base or less, but if people want to make money with NXT, we have to get this FORGING! sorted so platforms like NXT-io, and hopefully many others can be in place in a way that people can trust, because if we have the network the transactions will come..