accBal was:
987945 conf, 873090 unconf. before the trade.
702845 conf, 302990 unconf. after the trade
conf Balance: 987945 - 702845 = 285100 = 1900*150 + 100(FEE) OK
unconf Balance: 873090 - 302990 = 570100 = 2* 1900*150 + 100(FEE)
lets wait how the balance looks later when the conf==unconf - - but how is it that the Trade hits the unconf Balance TWICE?!?!
Can anyone reproduce this or know anything about it
Order was : 1900HIVE @ 150 (1.5nxt?) -> 2850
{'bidOrderId': '2084814903449362881', 'quantity': 1900, 'askOrderId': '12983022864822577544', 'timestamp': 8203706, 'price': 150}]
my bid order:
deadline - 10
timestamp - 8203691
recipient - 1739068987193023818
fee - 1
attachment - {'asset': '5738361901523075871', 'quantity': 1900, 'price': 150}
senderPublicKey - 5f7605dfd9ddba1c7843add87f2afc0b9edb1776ad9ae7c9cce18013fa892471
amount - 0
signature - 2e1444f7ff479b8a73cde8270afb88e12842ec22a6b4ff6633b479f3bcf1c206b48f41ddde79ba1 99ab0c4cdc7d0da7d4f9465df194a048d98065da599b784a9
referencedTransaction - 0
confirmations - 7
block - 15113600740772845724
subtype - 3
sender - 1738404304940813414
type - 2
l8orre, yes. this is what i was talking about yesterday. i have some diffs too which has to cleared quickly. we need a complete balance tracing
to ensure everything is working fine even under heavy load and multiple order/cancel scenarios. i would suggest we are doing a controlled and
coordinated test this weekend and unroll the order/cancel history after heavy trades back to ensure we have a clean match here.