PM and spokesperson are clear, but I can´t really see how this academy is supposed to work?
Me either. This is a question of succession management. When a really big project changes hands from one group of people to another group of people, the group in control usually goes around and shows the incoming group all the ins-and-outs of what is going on. This leads to a smooth transition.
What we have here is a group in control that deliberately is rejecting contact with the group it expects to take over the reigns, and isn't even going to leave them any documentation (whitepaper, code comments) to read on their own. Maybe this is due to language barriers, maybe this is due to a true desire for anonymity, I don't know, but it is a huge huge huge burden to overcome. And, it seems to me, a needless burden that shouldn't be there.
Most of all, there is a growing sense of frustration on both sides I think. BCNext and CfB are always making statements that the community is not living up to expectations and its own potential. The community just wants some goddamn basic clarity on a few key, fundamental points. I shake my head in bewilderment and confusion about how such a situation can exist.
It will probably not end well.
If you have expectations that aren't being met, you look at the assumptions underlying that expectation.
BCNext may well have a kind of ideal audience (every creator/writer has), but that doesn't mean that ideal will work.
At the moment we have a clear shortage of knowledge. This is clear from statements, not from Average Joe, but from professionals in their respective field.
There is also a clear willingness to work. No one is looking for an easy handout. The request for knowledge is not made out of a need for "the easy way", but a genuine concern for Nxt.
If BCNext truly agrees with Dawkins, he should not sow the seeds for a "God" myth himself. Mystification for the sake of it will do that. Just give the people that cán work with it the code they need and they will. We have people that have PROVEN to be trustworthy already.
Then, if he wants, BCNext can truly be "out of the picture". So long as he is keeping the story of a "Third" and now "Fourth" revelation alive, he won't be.
I would sincerely like to see the community take over, because this is creating more confusion than there needs to be.
Edit: the situation now seems to be:
Community to BCNext cs: You first!
BCNext cs. to community: You first!
Clearly that is not a good state of affairs.