I would like introduce to the discussion the concept of sharing fees when small account decide to use a pool for receive fees more frequently over time.
Everybody talks about "leasing forging power of a account to another account to create pools". This involves reducing the number of nodes to the number of pools.
I maintain that it is better to keep the funds and forging power of each small account in the small account node
Is Not better the concept of sharing fees if your account is successful and forge?
who can refute my idea?
Dafuq did you just say (once again)? o_0
leasing forging power of a account to another account to create pools1.000.000.000 Nxt Coin
100.000 Nxt Coin per pool
John account 90.000 Nxt 0 Node participate in forging
Mary account 9.900 Nxt 0 Node participate in forging
Bob account 100 Nxt 0 Node participate in forging
Total pool 100.000 Nxt 1 Node paticipate in forging
Total 1 Node participate in forgingChance to forge 0,0001
rate forging 1440 blocs per day
52,6 Blocs per year
aprox 1 Bloc per week Nxt Coin
100.000 Nxt Coin per pool
10.000 Node participate in forgingSharing fees1.000.000.000 Nxt Coin
100.000 Nxt Coin per pool
John account 90.000 Nxt 1 Node participate in forging
Mary account 9.900 Nxt 1 Node participate in forging
Bob account 100 Nxt 1 Node participate in forging
Total pool 100.000 Nxt
Total Nodes 3 Node participate in forgingChance to forge 0,0001
rate forging 1440 blocs per day
52,6 Blocs per year
aprox 1 Bloc per week Nxt Coin
100.000 Nxt Coin per pool
30.000 Nodes participate in forging. if there are only three accounts linked per poolI am wrong?I suppose 30,000 nodes are sufficient to ensure the network
Now imagine if I am correct with 1,000,000 Nxt coins pools Nxt Coin
1.000.000 Nxt Coin per pool
10 accounts 90.000 Nxt 10 Node participate in forging
10 accounts 9.900 Nxt 10 Node participate in forging
10 accounts 100 Nxt 10 Node participate in forging
Total pool 1.000.000 Nxt
Total 30 Nodes participate in forging Chance to forge 0,001
rate forging 1440 blocs per day
526 Blocs per year
aprox 1,44 Blocs per day. 100 Nxt account is forging every day. receives fees in proportion to their funds every day!!! Nxt Coin
1.000.000 Nxt Coin per pool
30.000 Nodes participate in forging. if there are only 30 accounts linked per pool