Would there be any proof of stake in your coin? What happens when the coin is mined to capacity? To me the whole issue with people who mine is that they only mine for the coins. What will happen when there are no coins left to mine? They will move on to the next coin. The whole thing about the mining logic is that they are not in it for the network (which I can understand). To me it seems that POW is not the best answer in the long term. A mined coin may get a lot of initial support but in the long run, POW is not going to compete with POS..... especially when the asset exchange allows people who don't know how to write program to create there own coins. I think for a coin to be long term successful POS or some form of rewarding has to be used to keep people using running the network once the coins are mined out. I like your idea though.
I am currently planning for the NXTcoins platform Asset to have about a 10% stake in mining output. Unlike all other presale, premine,etc., it will start with 0 coins. However, as the miners are mining the coins, the platform company will get its share. These funds will be used to pay for whatever servers the platform requires, but most importantly marketing costs.
As far as the duration of mining
1 billion issued
100,000 minedper day
10800 days = 30 years
Maybe it should be 250,000 coins per day? I really dont like the exponentially decaying output that almost all the coins have. It shouldnt be constant, but close to it. Actually, why cant it be constant. That would make it easy to code
The early adopters get a big advantage as when the first dividend comes in, they will be the ones with the biggest percentage of the coin. I am still not decided on the coin mining rate, but since the number of coins is totally independent from network security, it can be any method at all. I could build in a lottery system. Miners could get extra on their birthdays, etc.
As the network gets bigger, its value increases and as long as the marketing arm of the coin is doing its job, it will be able to bring in more revenues. Which boosts the coin value, which increases the number of miners, which increases its value.
Nice little positive feedback loop going on. I will probably only do a few coins to show an example of how it can be done and assuming the business coin does well, it will be very easy for new coins to be created to plug into the NXTcoins layer. By providing marketing and technical support for the NXTcoins, it allows someone that is totally technical to concentrate on what makes their coin unique and not have to get bogged down in the day to day details of marketing and customer support.
This also means that the NXTcoins platform company will need to hire non-programmers to help with the customer support and other non-technical tasks. The 10% of the NXTcoins and the dividends in NXT those NXTcoins get should provide enough budget to pay for whatever staff is needed. As the enterprise grows, more funds come in to pay for the costs.
P.S. I am looking for people to help me with my business coin. I think I can do most all the tech myself as all the hard work is already done with NXT. I just dont have the skills to do a decent website, nor the time to market this.