pandaisftw finished proofreading of my text, I would like to publish it at some big news site to get attention of the developers and people who like free internet. What do you think? Any suggestions? Thanks
Decentralized internet and Nxt solutions...
First part is not about Nxt:
2nd part:
Nxt solutionsIf you want to enter the game as a decentralized application, starting as a currency to obtain a wide distribution is a good place to start. All of the above mentioned projects have had problems with integration and distribution. Nxt started as the first pure Proof of Stake cryptocurrency in November 2013, and since then - in just a few short months - it has achieved more than 20.000 users. The first part of BCNext’s plan, the anonymous inventor of Nxt, was spreading the monetary system to as many users as possible to create a network of decentralized P2P computers (nodes). This network is based on a lightweight client running on each connected node, so it can send data directly P2P. Thanks to the new code, it can provide up to 100 transactions per second.
Nxt uses an efficient system to maintain the network by using much lower PC power and electricity than is needed for Bitcoin and its clones. It is important to stay anonymous, by creating the Nxt network from thousands of users from all over the world, so this system cannot be censored. You cannot point to any owner of the Nxt system. Even ordinary users don't own NXT coins, they only know the passphrase to a Nxt brainwallet. This means that no executor can take Nxt coins from you… There is no creator to blame, no specific user to arrest, and you cannot take the Nxt network down. Nobody can censor P2P networks. Nxt also is not vulnerable to 51% attacks like Bitcoin, so even if someone owns 90% of all Nxt coins, the Nxt network is secured thanks to Transparent Forging invention.
Nxt evolved by revealing the second part BCNext's plan. Nxt coins will not be used exclusively as a currency, but they will be the building blocks to implement any other project on top of the Nxt platform. Thousands of cryptocurrencies can be built on top of the Nxt network. All will be secured by Nxt’s green and attack proof environment. It is up to the creators of those coins, whether their currency will be Proof of Work (Dogecoin), Stake (Peercoin), Bandwidth (Lakshmi, Bitcloud), Burn (Counterparty) or even Learning and Content (UNITAS project). These coins can be used for different purposes – for travel agencies, hotels, casinos, universities, Amish or any other rural communities, African (and other) countries, and Nxt could eventually replace even Dollars. In the distant future they can even serve as a currency for space colonies.
The third part of BCNext's plan will be released on April 2014. It will most likely be his idea about building all kinds of decentralized applications on top of Nxt’s green network. Since the Nxt system is democratic and users will be able to vote on all important decisions, people do not have to listen to BCNext's plans and can continue on to have Nxt as a simple currency. This is one of the most important inventions of Nxt: the creator BCNext has no power over Nxt and he cannot control its development. All the power is in the hands of independent developers and reviewers of the code. He can only suggest new codes, but he cannot implement them straight to the program. Nxt system is completely decentralized, there is no leader, no sponsoring company or corporation. Nxt’s organization has evolved with the help of active Nxt users, but still there is no higher authority. Some people have already begun to work on new coins and other implementations, so BCNext's plan will likely be fulfilled as well as being complemented by new ideas.
In last few days Nxt applications similar to Twitter and Viber (messages app) were developed. Very soon will be published first game built on top of the Nxt network: a decentralized Poker game. Nxt will provide a platform for easy creation of new currencies. They will be maintained on Nxt blockchain, but they will have their own environment. Also, people can use assets to issue new coins, so they can easily create their own monetary system thanks to asset exchange that is already implemented.
Nxt Arbitrary messages has lead us to the true decentralized web - torrent files have already been sent via this network. With more blockchains, Nxt will be able to provide a cloud storage and file sharing apps. The principle behind these applications is using different blockchains for different purposes: one for file storage, one for messages, and so on. Each app will use only a specific blockchain(s) and won't be spammed by the others. Additionally, with the blockchain pruning function, users will not need to download large blockchains as they do now with Bitcoin and its forks.
Other functions based on Zerocoin and mixing services can provide a completely anonymous infrastructure that was originally built in the Phantom protocol - a decentralized network that focuses on the anonymization of users. Currently, Bitcoin and Nxt are only pseudonymous. With the Zerocoin feature integrated within the NXT core, it will be mathematically infeasible to link the particular coins used by each user.
Decentralized computing systems built on the Nxt platform could locally solve all kinds of research projects. Thanks to the extremely fast Nxt network, home computers can work on mathematical projects so their owners may receive crypto coins. With built-in decentralized exchanges, such coins can immediately exchanged for other coins. Currently being tested, the decentralized Asset Exchange allows users to transform these coins into assets for fiat currencies, shares or commodities such as silver and gold. Anyone can use these exchanges without any restrictions of high fees. Nxt uses small fees, and these fees are always returning to the users who maintain the Nxt network. While fees in VISA or PayPal system go to the centralized corporations, in the Nxt ecosystem, they are distributed fairly between users.
Nxt will be soon cooperating with DAC (Distributed Autonomous Corporations), such as Bitcloud or ArkOS. With Bitcloud, nodes on a mesh network can be rewarded financially for routing traffic in a brand new mesh network. This removes the need for Internet Service Providers. The goal is always same: to replace YouTube, Dropbox, Facebook, Spotify, and others with decentralized, open source alternatives.
ArkOS and Nxt systems are very ecofriendly, you can run Nxt on a Raspberri Pi too. Possible merging of these projects may lead to a future of free, decentralized and green internet. Especially if the programs created on top of Nxt network used applications similar to ArkOS.
Nxt is one step ahead of all other decentralized platforms thanks to its kickstart as a cryptocurrency. It is now ready to become a new decentralized internet. Nxt provides a powerful and flexible platform for developers, allowing them to easily develop new applications for Nxt. Thanks to great community behind it, as evidenced by the thousands of pages on the Nxt Bitcointalk “pub” thread, Nxt has achieved so much in such little time. Anyone can join this fantastic group of open minded individuals and make a positive contribution. For more info see or