So far my concerns are:
BOTs / Shills posting on the forum ☑
Veiled death threat ☑
1)Partly proven: ☑� I view this as evidence to support suspicion rather than evidence of proof.
2) Proven: ☑
3) Still to be investigated. �
4. Likely exaggeration ☑� I view it as exaggerated sales hyperbole.
5. Not proven. ☒
(6) lied about an audit. Partly proven: ☑�
Two more accusations.
7. Instead of the Czech office of Worldcore the scenery with the actors were shown in the promotion video: employees (
8. Different data on the Worldcore website and on the Bitcointalk forum about the team.
A Worldcore manager 'FintechEU' admitted that almost all of the company's staff are freelancers.
Пo кoличecтвy coтpyдникoв пoяcню - бoльшинcтвo coтpyдникoв, a имeннo вce paзpaбoтчики и пoчти вcя кoмплaeнc-кoмaндa, из PФ, paбoтaют нe пo дoгoвopy тpyдoycтpoйcтвa, a пo фpилaнc-дoгoвopy c Индивидyaльным Пpeдпpинимaтeлeм.
Translation: "By the number of employees I will explain -
most of the employees or namely all developers and almost all compliance team, from Russia, are working not under an employment contract, but
under a freelance contract with Individual Entrepreneur".
White Paper stated the opposite: "More than 40 persons are working in all 5 departments of Worldcore and
some people working as freelancers".
So far my concerns are:BOTs / Shills posting on the forum ☑Veiled death threat ☑1 Partly proven: ☑� I view this as evidence to support suspicion rather than evidence of proof.2. Proven: ☑ Lied about CEO qualifications.3. Too soon to be investigated. � Delays to road-map at this early stage are acceptable. Too soon to investigate.
4. Likely exaggeration ☑� I view it as exaggerated sales hyperbole.5. Not proven. ☒ Accusation of fake valuation is not proven.6. lied about an audit. Partly proven: ☑� I am of the opinion that the audit claim was a misworded mistake rather than deliberate.7. Not relevant ☒ Use of actors in promotional videos is quite normal.8. Not relevant ☒ Use of freelancers / contractors and referring to them as employees is normalPromotional videos and advertisements use actors. It is normal.
Maybe they counted the actors as employees too.
Use of contractors and freelancers is quite normal in Crypto and technology based businesses. The use of "Individual Entrepreneur" status has tax advantages in Russia and therefore is quite normal to expect.
Contractors often still are eligible for employee discounts", "employee benefits" and subject to "employee rules". The contractual relationship different between an employee and contractor but for the client it has not much difference. For certain skills it is easier to employ a contractor than to hire an employee.
It is not unusual for a company to count contractors as part of their employees.
Like Suchmoon I am concerned mainly about (1). If there are ties to Benson Union or other scams then there is a serious problem.
I do not look at whether it is value for money or a "good investment". I look at whether the owners are transparent and honest to determine if it is a scam.
Whether the owners are going to run off with the money.
Some of the things said appear to be dishonest. That worries me.