Now, you might say there's no real problem with metered access and charging differently and making deals, but remember, if you look at this on the protocol level, to have this kind of differentiation, you need to be able to identify both the source of data and its destination, as well as what kind of data it is, in order to differentiate between types of traffic.
By definition, any kind of anonymous traffic is going to obscure this data, and any non-neutral scheme of access is going to assign that kind of traffic the lowest possible priority...
There is no such whitelisting nor blacklisting at the BGP routing protocol level (which is decentralized) taking place at this time.
The free market has worked.
Do you even have a point? (of course you don't)
My point stands that as soon as the government gets into regulating the internet, that is when you will see the free market fail and the loss of net neutrality begin. If this point is "nutjob" to you, then you provide evidence that sanity appears insane to the insane or too-retarded-to-be-rational.
I understand your delusional fantasy that "you think" you are an intelligent person.
It befuddles me how at least 40% of the people think the problem is the solution.
Hey you fucking dumbass dolt,
Here's a free tip on how to get someone to read your post: Don't start it with "Hey you fucking dumbass dolt."
When you learn how to make a point without being a douche nozzle...
When you learn to not be so retarded to claim that megadeath is "right", then I can speak factually that you are not a dolt.
That you still don't understand how embracing the problem as the solution in socialism leads to megadeath, just reinforces my factual statement, "Hey you fucking dumbass dolt".
Do you know what happens (throughout the recorded history of man) to retarded sheep like you as the police state horrifies? Answer: slaughtered by the government or war.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
I know you won't listen. Remember I told you, when you face the outcome. But of course you won't, you will blame your horrible fate on some other fabrication to avoid having to discern the generative essence that I have laid out.
There is one lesson I have learned today. Never argue with an idiot. Nothing good can come from it, because an idiot can not learn. At best, it just wastes my time. At worst, I get dragged into the fabricated blame game psychosis.