Well, it doesn't make any difference what computer you use if your Bitcoin private key has been compromised. Whoever holds the private can spend your Bitcoin.
I’m a newbie, but I learned multisig in one hour (using elektrum) *ww.deepdotweb.com/2015/03/21/multi-signature-transactions-electrum-2-0/ . Using 2 of 3 your wallet will be very save…
BTC Multisig addresses can only linked by micropayment!
By the way: BTC two factor wallet/ addresses (elektrum) doesn’t work -> The bot says: „..this transaction looks like it was send from an exchange…“ !
2 of 3 multisig wallet is also very good (maybe best) method for protect your Byteball:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1608859.msg16777574;topicseen#msg167775741. paire your devices using QR-Code in Byteball (-> add new device menu)
2. invite and accept each other device
3. test: select a device using paired devices menu
4. chat vom each peared device to each other
5. you can also chat with the transition bot (select transition bot) -> try „Hi“
6. create a multisig wallet in Byteball an add the Co-signers (the ones you peared)
7. now you are prepared to become BB / BBB rich
Paired devices are also needed (requirement) to spend BBB (private currencies) to each other..