fundamentals are stronger now, and will be much more so once the community selects witnesses
What is the Byteball Bytes price today?
The current price of Byteball Bytes is 41.487 USD today.
Will Byteball Bytes price drop / fall?
Yes. The price of Byteball Bytes may drop from 41.487 USD to 0.000001 USD. The change will be -100.00%.
Will Byteball Bytes price grow / rise / go up?
No (see above).
Will Byteball Bytes replace / surpass / overtake Bitcoin?
According to our predictions, this won't happen in near future.
Will Byteball Bytes crash?
According to our analysis, this can happen.
Why would anybody take anything seriously what Wallet Investor website says? To be critical at something, why wouldn't you be more critical about your sources that you use?
I mean, zero USD is anything lower than 0.01, but they are trying to say that it will go lower than zero, to be precise - 0.000001 USD.
If this is not straight up FUD or lazy coding then what is? How can anybody take seriously anything that just draws a trendline to some abstract small dollar value, without considering the fact that it is not in their control when next bull-market will began?
This website doesn't do any analysis, it just draws a meaningless trendlines. If the price will crash to zero, it will need a reason, not just some event that could happen, but some event that will happen.