I don't know of any problems with full wallet that they don't have with a light wallet other than syncing.
that's the one. i don't know about anyone else, but i only very rarely open up my wallet so if it was a full one i'd be syncing endlessly too. it seems to inconvenience alot of people.
Convert to lite client. If you need help, I can walk you through it, but I did a detailed post earlier on a good method. If you need, I can find that post for ya.
I don't know of any problems with full wallet that they don't have with a light wallet other than syncing.
light wallet can do everything as the full wallet und is blazing fast. It should be default install and full wallet only for experts.
Agreed with light.
And, Lite IS the default install. You have to specifically change it to full node.
I know that they also distribute to previous Byteball holdings but I read this question "Are all your bytes on your byteball linked address?"
Any action need taken in the wallet? I always thought that I need to link only btc address.
This only affects Blackbytes. I think this could help to understand:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.20504621(With the addition that according to the current rules (
20%) 10% will be distributed.)
I agree with your answer.
The problem is people are confusing byteball vs bitcoin. It's bitcoin addresses that need to be linked (change address stuff).
So, forensick - make sure your bitcoin addresses are correctly linked.