may be airdrops should be at random dates with random percentage like this month airdrop 5% next month 8% following month 15%...etc that way nobody will ask when the airdrop is and nobody will dump their coins only normal selling and buying of the coin
Well, this idea is quite brilliant actually, but it can be improved. You could also split the airdrops in more little pieces so that sometimes all monthly airdrop comes in one day while other months it is slip up to X number of mini-airdrops. This way people wouldn't be able to play the speculation game even after having got the monthly airdrop
This idea wont work.
Tonych want distribute coins fairly between holders and btc holders.
That means % which distribution happens must match amount of btc in total.
So thats why random 8% or 5% would not work.
please go to and read how distribution is calculated.
Its not random % , all is done to match btc cap.
what you saying doesn't make sense dropping 5% this month and 15% next month it like dropping 10% this month and 10% next month at the end of the day you will get the same amount,random airdrops is just to keep people from buying before airdrop and dumping just after the airdrop,if the airdrop is at random dates the price will be much more stable and the coin grow in a healthy way rather than in an artificial way.
Please research instead talking nonsense. I am telling you that amount of % for gbyte holders cannot be random because of airdrop and btc cap. ask in slack if you dont believe.
not body said anything about airdroping randomly to GB Holders what we're talking here is about random dates instead of airdropping every full moon you can airdrop at different dates that not body knows except Tonych of course for example you can airdrop the coin now then after 3 weeks then after a month and half....etc
And whats that gonna help? dump will happen one way or another. Research explorer and look for yourself that big holders from top 100 didint dumped. so most likely noobs and weak hands dumping like crazy.
dates and random airdrops not going to help.
Agree with last comment from silverbox.
No matter how you spin it, it is a lot of new coins entering the market (almost) every month, if demand (or user adoption say) doesn't also increase a corresponding amount then prices fall by normal free market dynamics. This is what we are seeing
However if you look at market cap, it hasn't dropped nearly as much as price, although it has dropped a bit, but I take that to be a positive signal that byteball as a whole is maintaining its value to an extent.
There are some nuances to how the coins are distributed in terms of supply and demand though, whether people are keen to cash in straight away or hodl. I suspect that many of the big bitcoin holders who benefited more from earlier airdrops were quick to sell their bytes, seeing it as free money to cash in, (although that wasn't the case for me). This means supply was high and demand for byteball was lower.
However the distribution rules have now changed and bitcoin holders will get 10 times less in each airdrop than previously. So now the incentive is changing so that existing byteball holders may hodl their airdropped coins in order to benefit from compounding interest on their byteball holdings. Presumably people that hold byteball longer term are more likely to be believers in byteball. This means the supply rate will drop compared to previously and demand increase.
It will be interesting to see how it plays out with high interest gained by hodling versus selling quick before the supply increases. I think the scales might be tipping towards hodling being the better option.