It seems to me that many of the people who are from the OWS movement would be supporters of the BTC movement. Given that so many of them are camping out in various occupy protests around the world I can't help but think that this is affecting current BTC prices through non activity/involvement from them. Just opening the door to a conversation here but I think this may have prices temporarily lower than they should be.
That's exactly what we need: An inflow of liberal blowhards with their hands out. Sounds awesome.
Wow, what a hatred filled statement. Why is it that people assume that Liberals are those with their hands held out? It seems to me that the right wingers (IE big corporations) have received more of the handouts in the last 10 years than the little guy. There are many liberal minded folk who are hard working and probably more productive than the i hate any government right winger folks. I suppose you think Richard Branson is sitting there with his hands held out too don't you?
Let me add that the right wingers only dislike government unless it is to provide some liberty or service. If it infringes on civil liberties or is about curtailing services then they are all for it. Funny how screwed up some peoples priorities are. Just ask anyone who has come from communism/marxism how they feel about our current governments insistence on spying on all of our conversations and what it would have resulted in back then.
I can't be sure, but I am relatively certain that you haven't had any direct exposure to these events. I've actually gone to a few, to check out the real happenings on the ground, and to talk to the people running them. They are complete social rejects. I even decided to troll Occupy Honolulu with a friend. He agreed to dress up in a suit and hold the sign I made.
There needs be structural changes, but your suggestion earlier would have far more merit. However, Zhou made a good point as well, and the fact is that poor people absolutely suck at managing wealth. We don't need a complete rebalancing, but we do need term limits for congressmen and senators, and it wouldn't hurt if the majority of bankers were stripped of their rights and thrown in jail.
Still, OWS protesters are douchebags.