A lot of rumors are circulating about Virat's absence in playing XI for the second test. Some say that he refused to play to show his displeasure against Ganguly and the BCCI. If there is any truth in this, then he is digging his own grave. No one is indispensable in the Indian team and a lot of talented youngsters are waiting for their chances. If someone like Venkatesh Iyer comes in the place of Kohli and performs well, then it will be extremely difficult for him to get back in to the squad. His fans are going to make a lot of noise for a few days, but in due course that will die down.
India is a team who have a lot of quality players not being able to play just because there are too many quality players for the squad.
If what you said comes out true and Virat is not playing to show his displeasure, that will be a huge loss for him. As India surely has a batter to replace him and once you get out of the Indian squad, it's quite hard to make a return.
And with the form Virat is in right now, I don't think what he's thinking is the right decision. He might be the sole reason for his own downfall and no one can do anything about it.