You're a plum, and you've just discredited the entire purpose of your site by adding a company devoid of any proof of it really being a scam.
Your site also missing every other verified scam on this forum!?
You're about as knowledgable of scams as Bitcoin Megastore, and your site is about as attractive, purposeful and successful as his Megastore...
Hey mindless stupid fuck, still posting around here even though you have no clue about anything and can't smell a scam? What have you achieved
here so far? Nothing good. You may think your stupid posts have some value but they are waste of time, space and energy. You may think you are
helping this community but you are doing it massive damage due to the fact you are mindless stupid fuck mostly luring people into scams. Let's see,
how many scams have you labeled as such? None. Are you selling something that benefits Bitcoin or offer some services for bitcoins? No. Are you
contributing to Bitcoin by accepting some jobs for bitcoins, maybe? No.
To sum it up, this community and Bitcoin would be better without you.
Bitcoin Megastore is massively successful business given all the issues it has (no BTC payment as major one) and level of retardation around here.
Riiight, seeing as my posting history here starts with me calling out and that pretty much invalidates the majority of the above post as it's provable by looking at my posting history.
It's not for me to say for sure whether anyone found the fact I paid for a ticket to Stockholm out of my own pocket and wrote an amusing piece on a little adventure. It certainly helped me make a decision I'm yet to regret.
Terrahash blatantly has not set out to a scam unless they really intended deceive whilst undertaking masses of unnecessary admin and office hire, pcb production and provable purchase of Avalon chips. As well a meet people face to face and look them in the eye.
Your posting history just details a total loon that calls absolutely everything a scam.
Your site speaks for itself.
And no one here has any trust awarded since the function was added a month ago and applies to sales made between members within the forum and subsequent feedback given. Go look to JohnK for positive trust feedback as he serves most escrow taking place here. But it's cool it's just another detail you have yet to read up and educate yourself about...