Those considering legal action should consider doing it on their own, for the very reason Bargraphics pointed out: It's easier to get a judgement on a single order. However, it will obviously take more effort, and that is a deterrent.
Before joining up with him, consider the following about trusting Bargraphic's motives:
1). Bar has blindly supported TH throughout this thread, was one of two people that vouched for them with a site visit, and strongly attacked anyone that spoke negatively about TH
2). He strongly discouraged anyone to seek refunds with TH up until 1-2 weeks ago
3). He created a thread to be the lead communicator with TH on determining how to proceed with orders - Results? Besides buying TH more time...
4). He stated that he had legal action in progress, and today he stated that he just called an attorney last night
5). Put your tinfoil hats on for this one... He had the very first order with TH on record. Draw your own assumptions.
Now, of course anyone still stuck with money in TH's pockets will seek any way possible to get money back, please pursue your own actions in parallel with any discussion with Bar. If you had followed Bar's advice up to this very day, you would be on the losing side (with this venture, and many others that more recent posts have pointed out), so learn from your mistakes, and spend the extra effort to contact your own lawyer and don't wait for others to do the work for you, especially someone with such a bad track record.
Another confusing piece of Bar's efforts, on 9/20 he posts:
I already have a lawyer lined up in California for anyone that is interested in joining in.
Just PM me and I'll do what I can.
And just today (4 days later) he posts:
I am in the preliminary stages with the lawyer, we talked for about 35 minutes last night regarding this case and he's asked for additional information which I have sent. I have not retained anyone currently but we both seem to agree that this case is fairly simple for those involved with USD payments.
I've been advised that trying to sue for BTC payments will add a very complicated layer to the case but I have also sent them are the information regarding that court case where they mentioned BTC as a currency.
I really don't want to talk much about anything else until I have a lawyer on retainer and after I send all of the individuals that PM'd me a message. At that time I will likely open up another thread (What Forum Topic should I use to post it in? Scam Accusations?)
It turns out that International Payments are not very hard to include in the lawsuit,
I've also been advised that this will likely NOT fit under a class action so those that do not contact me and are not involved will not see any benefit from the outcome of this case if it goes that far.
For what it's worth, I've also been advised that I would likely have a higher success rate if I did this alone than with Co-Plaintiffs due to them only needing to pay my money back versus multiple people but I made it clear that this is not an option for me at this point and anyone that I can include in this will be able to join.