
Topic: Off-Topic - page 56. (Read 384423 times)

Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000
September 18, 2013, 03:28:16 PM
Amir could be trying to forget that this entire mess ever happened by ignoring the whole situation.

He can be doing this.... accepting a salary.... maybe hes looking at job hunting websites all day? lol
hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 500
September 18, 2013, 03:12:36 PM
Perhaps they received chips, and are so busy making klondikes that they don't have time to read this forum, answer phone calls, or respond to support tickets.

Maybe Amir got hit by a bus?

Amir could be trying to forget that this entire mess ever happened by ignoring the whole situation.

Inquiring minds want to know, so it would be nice if Terrahash took the time to post an update.
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000
September 18, 2013, 02:41:34 PM
Sebastianju received his chips today.  His order was dated may 11.  

Your chip order is may 10.

Any updates on your chips status, terrahash?

Yeah, they are probably got the chips and are in the process of crossing the Mexico border, with chips and our $.

Their last log in was on 14th... Sad
Going to see a new website called: Terrahash/   lol

They dont even have to cross boarder.  They could be changing everything to Super Hash start a new LLC sell all assets to it, and say go ahead sue TH all you want.  Or maybe Amir got a real job.  Honestly you cant tell me they have worked 8-5 Monday through Friday since before pre-orders.
sr. member
Activity: 479
Merit: 250
September 18, 2013, 02:35:48 PM
see previous post of mine

I think knightlife999 is honest but i am never quite sure who is honest anymore.  knightlife promised people 15 btc per year for only $250. on ebay.  well how can that be honest Huh  that is like giving away $1500 for 250.

see here

see the writing in green

I guarantee that your rented miners will make you 15 Bitcoin or 660 Litecoin
(your choice) in 1 year from start of my mining operation for
each 5 units purchased.

also bargraphics

see here

obviously he is sticking up for terrahash as he has already sold all his equipment
he is telling his buyers not to worry

...Sigh WTH Terrahash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Seriously we need some kind of update you should have gotten the chips or getting the chips this week.

Read the line again, here I'll copy it for you "I guarantee that your rented miners will make you 15 Bitcoin or 660 Litecoin (your choice) in 1 year from start of my mining operation for each 5 units purchased."

So he's saying 3BTC per unit which is a very safe estimate.
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 500
Crypto Investor ;) @ Farmed Account Hunter
September 18, 2013, 01:24:48 PM is still availabe, lol
Activity: 44
Merit: 0
September 18, 2013, 01:05:42 PM
see previous post of mine

I think knightlife999 is honest but i am never quite sure who is honest anymore.  knightlife promised people 15 btc per year for only $250. on ebay.  well how can that be honest Huh  that is like giving away $1500 for 250.

see here

see the writing in green

I guarantee that your rented miners will make you 15 Bitcoin or 660 Litecoin
(your choice) in 1 year from start of my mining operation for
each 5 units purchased.

also bargraphics

see here

obviously he is sticking up for terrahash as he has already sold all his equipment
he is telling his buyers not to worry
Activity: 2198
Merit: 1000
September 18, 2013, 12:54:46 PM
Sebastianju received his chips today.  His order was dated may 11.  

Your chip order is may 10.

Any updates on your chips status, terrahash?

Yeah, they are probably got the chips and are in the process of crossing the Mexico border, with chips and our $.

Their last log in was on 14th... Sad
Going to see a new website called: Terrahash/   lol
hero member
Activity: 826
Merit: 500
Crypto Investor ;) @ Farmed Account Hunter
September 18, 2013, 12:28:10 PM
Sebastianju received his chips today.  His order was dated may 11.  

Your chip order is may 10.

Any updates on your chips status, terrahash?

Yeah, they are probably got the chips and are in the process of crossing the Mexico border, with chips and our $.

Their last log in was on 14th... Sad
sr. member
Activity: 449
Merit: 250
September 18, 2013, 11:46:38 AM
Sebastianju received his chips today.  His order was dated may 11.  

Your chip order is may 10.

Any updates on your chips status, terrahash?

Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000
September 18, 2013, 11:42:50 AM
I think we may see movement on all of our orders in the coming week (2 at the latest).
Really? Aren't your cop senses tingling? I suppose you aren't the slightest concerned that they can't produce a single order in their two week time period, but believe they'll be able to turn around the entire chip shipment in that timeframe. Come on.
You are misinterpreting what he wrote. Movement doesn't equate to entire chip shipment turnaround.

I think it's clear that I am concerned.

I'm clearly not happy with what we are going through. I think we will see movement in the next 2 weeks (just my own feelings on this). I don't know if every order will be filled, but I think we will see movement. I think that Th is doing everything they can to finalize the k16 firmware on their own. It's clear that BKK left the k16 DIY community high and dry. It is what it is.

I'm very disappointed that the project has come to this point. I think Bitsyncom and BFL allowed greed to cloud their judgement and everyone else gets to pay the price. I have friends in the FBI and SEC looking into Yifu Guo and Bitsyncom. Bitsyncom has an address in the US, so that works nicely. He appears to be in damage control mode, but it may not help him.

On another note, I am looking forward to receiving my KNC miners.
I hope my K16s come along soon. I will set them up in my server case, get it running, and sell it.

I think knightlife999 is honest but i am never quite sure who is honest anymore.  knightlife promised people 15 btc per year for only $250. on ebay.  well how can that be honest Huh  that is like giving away $1500 for 250.

see here

Buy 5 units in my mining operation for one year from
commencement of mining. The 5 units purchased will guarantee the
holder 1.25 Bitcoin or 55 Litecoin each month for 1 year from the
day mining starts this fall.
You will receive 15 BTC (or 660 LTC) return per
5 units rented in one year (equivalent to 10 GH/s of hashing power with the likely
difficulty increases).

Again this is my personal opinion.  But knight was one of the few people to make it to office.  He vouched for chip orders that were not bought( he will argue that point, but he said they had proof).  Went there and took photo/video of only certain things because of TH's lawyer or something lame reason i don't remember its been so long.

He either is very very very easy to get to vouch for someone.   Or there is something wrong.  Will he be first in line maybe personal pickup if they ever do make a board?  A discount?  Personally his vouching for them and all this I would never trust his opinion on a company again.
Activity: 44
Merit: 0
September 18, 2013, 11:37:19 AM
I think we may see movement on all of our orders in the coming week (2 at the latest).
Really? Aren't your cop senses tingling? I suppose you aren't the slightest concerned that they can't produce a single order in their two week time period, but believe they'll be able to turn around the entire chip shipment in that timeframe. Come on.
You are misinterpreting what he wrote. Movement doesn't equate to entire chip shipment turnaround.

I think it's clear that I am concerned.

I'm clearly not happy with what we are going through. I think we will see movement in the next 2 weeks (just my own feelings on this). I don't know if every order will be filled, but I think we will see movement. I think that Th is doing everything they can to finalize the k16 firmware on their own. It's clear that BKK left the k16 DIY community high and dry. It is what it is.

I'm very disappointed that the project has come to this point. I think Bitsyncom and BFL allowed greed to cloud their judgement and everyone else gets to pay the price. I have friends in the FBI and SEC looking into Yifu Guo and Bitsyncom. Bitsyncom has an address in the US, so that works nicely. He appears to be in damage control mode, but it may not help him.

On another note, I am looking forward to receiving my KNC miners.
I hope my K16s come along soon. I will set them up in my server case, get it running, and sell it.

I think knightlife999 is honest but i am never quite sure who is honest anymore.  knightlife promised people 15 btc per year for only $250. on ebay.  well how can that be honest Huh  that is like giving away $1500 for 250.

see here

Buy 5 units in my mining operation for one year from
commencement of mining. The 5 units purchased will guarantee the
holder 1.25 Bitcoin or 55 Litecoin each month for 1 year from the
day mining starts this fall.
You will receive 15 BTC (or 660 LTC) return per
5 units rented in one year (equivalent to 10 GH/s of hashing power with the likely
difficulty increases).
Activity: 2198
Merit: 1000
September 18, 2013, 08:17:00 AM
I just think its pathetic that any company can cheerfully take anyones money, then not deliver, and not cheerfully offer refunds to those who wish for one. Its been over 3 months now. This whole thing is so bogus now. Not to mention being left in the dark day after day...
I feel  bad for guys like Bargraphics and KnightLife and others who have so much money tied up in this misadeventure. How much interest on credit cards etc have been lost while waiting etc.

You can now buy Asic blades at the same prices per g/hash as the opening price of the klondikes, and have them in a few days. 4.2 BTC from BTC Guild. or Cointerra's 1-T/hash unit for 3499.00 using Paypal or C.card. That may be the route I will be going.  Goodluck with this fiasco.
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000
September 17, 2013, 10:06:51 PM

I think bar said he would apologize to what seemed like trolly comments
He has more invested in here than most so I think he has the right to say how he feels

But I ghink we would all agree that TH's silence is pointing to an awful conclusion to a long standing debate on this forum and
If Amir does not come on soon and regularly with a great explanation for his shit ass performance,  hes gonna find himself in court. Angry

Again.... please read up on Inc. and LLC. That's why its scary. Chances are it will be TH in court NOT Amir officially.  TH is its own legal entity (assuming they did it right) you will sue TH.  Amir and any money he made personally for example salary, would be extremely hard to touch.  And honestly i don't know of a case suing in us for BTC if you paid in it.  Would be interesting to see the court would do with a virtual money not legally recognized in US.

TH has bad dealings with paypal, credit card companies, customers, and at this point it seems the Better Business Bureau.  Them turning it into any kind of a success is going to be a uphill battle.  And it seems from silence they have given up.  

"You might be able to sue the owner of an LLC if the owner under capitalizes the company. This typically occurs when an owner of an LLC is the sole owner and for all practical purposes operates the LLC as a sole proprietorship. If the LLC has no money, shares bank accounts with the owner, and does not observe general company formalities such as holding company meetings and recording minutes of those meetings, then this may be a reason for you to sue the owner personally."

Key in all of that is shared bank accounts.  If the LLC and personal bank accounts get used together..... they open up a can of worms.   As long as TH used its own bank account, and Amir used his bank account the chances of getting that clause are very slim.

With having a 2nd employee there even though i don't know what his name is ATM.  They could easily make up minutes.  

Again to sue Amir's personal assets he would have to had to do something wrong as far as LLC law.  Salary does not fit in this.  Also with it being a private company we don't know much of the internals at all.
Activity: 52
Merit: 0
September 17, 2013, 08:26:52 PM
Allright enought is enought , since terrahash look to have left the boat , i will ask my cc compagny a refund tomorow . Angry
Activity: 2198
Merit: 1000
September 17, 2013, 05:57:52 PM
sr. member
Activity: 389
Merit: 250
September 17, 2013, 05:23:20 PM
I just don't understand why you guys are sitting idly by and allowing Amir and Justin to walk all over you like this and are not demanding that they come forward with your money, or at the very least an explanation and an apology.

This is your money, you worked for it, not them, they do not deserve your money, they haven't done anything for it other then tell you lie after lie after lie.

Amir and Justin are laughing at you right now as they sip martinis with over-sized green olives stuffed with pimentos in them on your dime.

You had the balls to trust them and they broke that promise, numerous times, they are walking all over our dreams of a new world, where thugs like Goldman Sachs et al get what is coming to them, people like Amir and Justin and TerraHash do not deserve to be involved with next evolution in money.

You should be spitting mad right now, this is YOUR money, tell them they can take their no refunds policy and shove it where the sun don't shine and demand a FULL refund immediately.

bar, joe, et al, say what you want, put me on ignore I don't care, Amir and Justin from TerraHash are scamming these people out of their hard earned money, what else would you call it when they outright refuse to speak to anybody, return phone calls for months on end, etc, etc.

/ end rant.

Good luck to you all, I tried to warn you guys.

I just opened a fortune cookie that's just perfect for you. Lol. It says.

"You are extremely generous
and always thinking
of others." 
hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 500
September 17, 2013, 03:04:59 PM
Difficult situations and adversity cause people to show their true colors.

Are you going to man up and own this Amir, or try to disappear and try to steal your customers money?

From the silence it certainly seems like Terrahash and trying to take the money and run!
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1001
September 17, 2013, 02:48:34 PM
....... little tear shed ....
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1000
September 17, 2013, 02:40:11 PM
I think bar said he would apologize to what seemed like trolly comments
He has more invested in here than most so I think he has the right to say how he feels

But I ghink we would all agree that TH's silence is pointing to an awful conclusion to a long standing debate on this forum and
If Amir does not come on soon and regularly with a great explanation for his shit ass performance,  hes gonna find himself in court. Angry

Again.... please read up on Inc. and LLC. That's why its scary. Chances are it will be TH in court NOT Amir officially.  TH is its own legal entity (assuming they did it right) you will sue TH.  Amir and any money he made personally for example salary, would be extremely hard to touch.  And honestly i don't know of a case suing in us for BTC if you paid in it.  Would be interesting to see the court would do with a virtual money not legally recognized in US.

TH has bad dealings with paypal, credit card companies, customers, and at this point it seems the Better Business Bureau.  Them turning it into any kind of a success is going to be a uphill battle.  And it seems from silence they have given up. 
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1001
September 17, 2013, 02:30:05 PM
I think bar said he would apologize to what seemed like trolly comments
He has more invested in here than most so I think he has the right to say how he feels

But I ghink we would all agree that TH's silence is pointing to an awful conclusion to a long standing debate on this forum and
If Amir does not come on soon and regularly with a great explanation for his shit ass performance,  hes gonna find himself in court. Angry
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