The time draws near, the return of The Great Old One is upon us. Join us in our ritual.
As the equinox approaches we begin the ritual; four weeks and five days long it builds until Cthulhu awakens and one worshipper is rewarded greatly!
During the first and second weeks of the ritual, sacrificial amounts are placed in special, once a day blocks. These blocks are a reward to the worshipper for sacrifice made. During the third and fourth weeks of the ritual the rewards build, small at first, then larger as the worship increases with fervor. During the last five days, the 'Tharanak shagg,' or "promise of dreamland," the ritual reaches final pitch and the daily special blocks are highly increased. Finally Cthulhu will return after the xx665th offering has paid tribute to the Great Old One and he will bestow a bounty deserving of Him upon one lucky worshiper. The ritual can be repeated after six months time, following the great halving.
Windows QT:!Mac QT:!qMVQhDSZ!7SLj-UV-zOQhlOw8aqkAzAB7NI6FA1liHuiqlCl-NX4
v1.0 - The ritual begins.
v1.1 - Checkpoints
v1.2 - Checkpoints, added QR Code Support, New in-wallet graphics, Qt verbiage changes, foundational work for transaction messaging (coming in v1.3)
v1.3 - Checkpoints; New DNS Seed Nodes; New in-wallet graphics; Qt verbiage updates; Qt icon updates; Audio support added to wallet; Links to Ledger and Faucet added to wallet; Whispers to Cthulhu transgressional messaging added to wallet. Additional ritual periods added for the next two equinoxes before sub 1 coin rewards begin.
v1.3b - Recompiled to clear up 'Heartbleed' OpenSSL Bug
1.4 - Additional DNS Seeds; Graphical in-wallet mining control; added 'makekeypair;' Added 'Voices from the Deep' alert system; Small graphical updates; Small verbiage changes; README updates and corrections; file changes for cleaner builds
1.4b - Mac Build Updates and a new Altar for those who worship upon Apples.
SRC: Details:*Fork/Clone of Quark, may or may not work with Quark standalone miner.
*RPC Ports = 1928 (testnet 11928)
*P2P Ports = 20000 (testnet 20001)
*In Wallet Mining = Console, "setgenerate true"
*; addnode=
*60 Second Block Target, Diff Retarget every 20 Blocks, .0675 Starting Difficulty
*30 Confirms for spendable-coins
*5 Coins Per Block, halving after 6 months, ~5 years worth of mining, min block reward .001
*4-week+5day Ritual Special Blocks, Once per day special rewards, special blocks will become checkpoints
Block Crawler: Explorer: http://off.cryptocoinexplorer.comPublic Altar (faucet): Rank: - - - Use OFF to buy crypto coins!
P2Pool: Cthulhu's favor shine upon all those who whisper evil incantations in his honor!