I use the Accepted value as an indicator of the miner work effort, and while it might not logcally relate anymore to the original intention, it now means I have to divide by difficulty to see the exact absolute count. I suppose it's just a matter of getting used to the change, especially seeing a large rejected number, although the percentage stays the same.
I'm sure I'm not using the counter in its original intention, but it just seems so much easier to read with an absolute value that is smaller than the current changed number.
Sorry, that just means you are misunderstanding what the old A means.
Since you can submit 2 (or more) shares with 2 (or more) different difficulties, there is no clear meaning to a share count other than the number of times you have sent something to the pool - where 'something' is not necessarily the same each time.
Some pools start you submitting shares at 1 difficulty and thus if you have 100GH/s you'll get a rash of shares to start up.
Then when the pool switches you to 100 difficulty, your share count will clearly show how meaningless the old A is now with higher variable difficulty - i.e. if the pool took 10s to switch the difficulty to 100, the old A could show over 250 in the first 10 seconds and then it would slowly count up by 1 every couple of seconds after that - so at say 20 seconds it could have said A:255 and 100 diff at the top ... yep means nothing.