If you just want a 50/50 split, I'd suggest using the
--balance option instead, or use
--load-balance without setting quotas (they default to an even split across pools). You do need one of those commands or else it'll just be in failover mode, regardless of you having used
--quotaIn terms of your command line, have a look at the documentation:
--url poola:porta -u usernamea -p passa --quota "2;poolb:portb" -u usernameb -p passb
"Will give poola 1/3 of the work and poolb 2/3 of the work."
so in your case you might use any one of:
--balance --url poola:porta -u usernamea -p passa --url poolb:portb -u usernameb -p passb
--load-balance --url poola:porta -u usernamea -p passa --url poolb:portb -u usernameb -p passb
--load-balance --url poola:porta -u usernamea -p passa --quota "1;poolb:portb" -u usernameb -p passb
--load-balance -quota "1;poola:porta" -u usernamea -p passa --quota "1;poolb:portb" -u usernameb -p passb
Yet another alternative would be to use the
--rotate option, presuming the pools perform much the same then rotating through the pools every N minutes has roughly the same 'even split' effect.