Yeah, I figured that no one really works on NVIDIA because it's not worth it. I don't really know of any CUDA based miners on Linux that aren't like 2 years old, lol. I still would've liked to use this under Linux... guess I'll just have to chalk it up to NIVIDA still hating on the Linux crowd; as Linus put it, FUCK YOU, NVIDIA! Though, if you would be willing to work on adding some CUDA support, I could throw a few "satoshi" your way ;P
Oddly, I see it the other way around: Linus hating on nVidia coz they wont do exactly what he wants.
nVidia supplies VERY good linux drivers for everyone to use.
Why must nVidia supply drivers, the way Linus says they should? Especially when they already do supply them ...
Yes nouveau sux ...
Hey Kano and crew! Sorry I haven't been around (I think my bouncer is even offline because I didn't update my credit card information with Amazon). Medical shenanigans were quickly followed by backlash of IRL issues (basically if I want to keep my current job I need to do 7 weeks of work in the next 6 days
). Yeah Linus is very openly opinionated, to a fault one might say. I was at a convention during the early days of git and he kept saying (it was on the poorly created slides too) that "If you don't agree with me that's fine, but I will call you ugly and stupid" and was slightly surprised when he used the same phrases at one of Google's developers invitationals (I'm sure it's on YouTube somewhere). Yes I avoided CVS like the plague and SVN was only a minor improvement (well not to him), but initial git release was crap!
Also for reference everyone, it took a 100 (or was it 1,000?) BTC bounty for scrypt to be implemented into cgminer (of course Bitcoins weren't worth nearly as much back then as they are now), cgminer CUDA-edition would likely require the equivalent of a small island nation bought outright from the UK. However if anyone gives a fickle (sure it's a word, why not) about Litecoin, first RC of my unnamed program will hit before the month is out (I honestly haven't tried Cudaminer and last used Reaper, which gave me ~60kh/sec on my stock 660 Ti and in local tests I'm getting almost 4x the performance out of the same card using the same drivers). Con is a much smarter man than I, so if he couldn't get CUDA and Bitcoin mining to play nice, I am not going to muck around with it (we've talked about why Litecoin hashing is so much more attractive to the CUDA platform too).
Also Kano, nice job getting around github's removal of an official download section and even though I don't time have to set it up tonight, I will download the latest cgminer (I think my mac mini is still crawling away with 2.11.3) as I'm expecting a parcel from BFL next week and it does seem like Con's site is
down/undergoing maintenance at the moment. Greets to ozcoin crew and everyone on freenode and other places I've been absent from. As soon as I re-secure my job, I will be sure to spend even more time slacking off at work!