SOLVED! I just had to add:
--usb 2:5,2:4
at the end of the command line..Thank you -- today I downloaded the master, and compiled it. So it is the most recent version.
./cgminer -h | head will show what you are running.
./cgminer -n will list the USB devices.
./cgminer -D --verbose (followed by your other options) will show debug of it running.
... and lastly ... the README says how to setup access to USB devices if you are not using root.
Many thanks.. It seems cgminer finds a third device that it keeps trying to use..
# cgminer -h|head
cgminer 4.9.2
Built with icarus mining support.
# cgminer -n
[2015-07-29 12:25:41.967] USB all: found 12 devices - listing known devices
.USB dev 0: Bus 2 Device 5 ID: 10c4:ea60
Manufacturer: 'Silicon Labs'
Product: 'CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller'
.USB dev 1: Bus 2 Device 4 ID: 10c4:ea60
Manufacturer: 'Silicon Labs'
Product: 'CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller'
.USB dev 2: Bus 8 Device 3 ID: 0403:6001
Manufacturer: '** err:(-1) LIBUSB_ERROR_IO'
Product: '** err:(-1) LIBUSB_ERROR_IO'
[2015-07-29 12:25:41.967] 3 known USB devices guess I need to somehow specify which devices to use.
Many thanks, -turgut