How did you guys synch so fast? I'm at 59.37% Block Sync Progress, 74.91GB Blockchain Size, and 10/32 connections. I am using Wifi - but it should get 300MB on my wifi network easily. Mine got here after noontime so I didn't set it up until 1 or 2pm EST.
Fit and Finish are top notch - really like the color of the case. GUI seems pretty slick - I'm also using CK's solo pool.
wifi is always slower on long downloads like the blockchain.
Once i figured that I lost my eth connection and started it again it picked right back up.
I am now over 95gb of the chain. I had up to 30 peers before the net dropped out.
I am back to 24 or so.
I am fucking around with ways to speed up the download.
I stopped the miner. I am just running the node.
It only uses 27% of the cpu.
It only uses 10-12 watts.
vs 80% and 126-130 watts when downloading and mining ⛏
since I only need to download once I don’t mind shutting the solopool off for 6-8 hours..