Please help with Order ID dd91433a-c2f2-49c4-beeb-5e673dcc5bd9. I received an email stating the transaction was executed but the funds have not appeared in my account. I also PM'd you. Please push asap.
The order appears to have executed today. Please allow 24 hours for processing. Thanks!
Hey Ursay,
The issue I have now is I haven't received the correct amount in my account. I paid for $96.01 but received $87.87. It's a small amount but the principle is what matters to me. Can you help?
You do realize we charge fees for this service, yes? Our fees are listed at
Yes Ursay, I'm not an idiot. I've used your service probably a dozen times now. My total was $100 before the fees. After the fees I should have received $96.01. Where did the other $8.14 go? Please send me what I paid for.
I need your BTC addy that you want funds sent to and I will escalate your issue for someone to look into.