I am wait 16 hours.
my order id is: f3234e0b-4666-45d3-a551-b2c99b7867fb
Have you logged your issue via bitinstant.com/contact ?
yes, i did this and resieve automatic email. but 26 hours past!!!
There is raise new record in orderstatus:
Fri Apr 26 07:18:31 2013 5cac8cc0-3c83-4193-bc3b-5cc619a4b3b9 Bitstamp coupon failed: {u'error': {u'code': [u'Invalid code.']}}
Does this mean that there was an attempt to return the money to me, but it ended in failure?
Please, return my money.
I wrote to support second time.
Please verify your email so I can confirm your issue was logged. Thanks.
Now the status of the order has another line:
Fri Apr 26 21:45:53 2013 982b484b-3f81-4411-8d72-509df5633dac Manual transfer created
I recieve email from Rachel. Hi wrote, that processed.
But the money for the Ballance bitstamp not been returned, and I have not received a letter with vouchX code!
Is the VouchX code an unacceptable solution? How can I help you resolve the issue to your satisfaction?
VouchX code is an acceptable solution. I am waiting for it. Or you can return my money to my bitstamp account
Adding additional instructions to your already logged support issue could increase your wait time. I am willing to do this if you would like but you must realize that it could delay your solution. Thanks.