How many other alt coins with a circulation of 1 billion or more have ever hit $1 ?
Answer NONE
Open your mind a a previous poster mentioned, we are in the infancy of the cryptocurrency market. Do you honestly think we will be where we are by next year, two years, five years? The market cap will be astronomical compared to now. It's a global market, a shared marketplace. Your assumption keeps everything constant and that these constants will remain unchanged.
Let me ask you this, what you think is going to happen when people around the world hear about a cryptocurrency that cannot be shutdown, that is decentralized and essentially what chillie blockchain will be? My guess is, they will enter the market and do what they need to do make those purchases...whatever it may be.
One more thing, the first rule of thumb i learned with trading. Past performances are not indicative of future results. In this case we are just getting started, we have a lot to look forward too. So don't compare altcoins with billions of coins and make a rational assumption that its simply isn't possible....the market cap overall of this market will grow and grow and GROW