Create copies of the bfgminer folder for each asic. The configure each batch file to run just 1 asic.
It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] hashbuster_lowl_probe: Identify sequence didn't match on \\?\hid#vid_fa04&pid_0011#6&11d06e40&1&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] hashbuster_lowl_probe: Identify sequence didn't match on \\?\hid#vid_fa04&pid_0011#6&11d06e40&1&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}
C:\Users\BigMiner\Desktop\New folder>bfgminer.exe --scrypt -I 13,19,19,19 --thr
ead-concurrency 16384,22400,22400,22400 --gpu-engine 1045,1150,1050,1050 --gpu-m
emclock 1450,1420,1425,1425 -w 256,256,256,256 --auto-fan --failover-only --gpu-
powertune 0,20,20,20 --scan-serial all --scan-serial opencl:auto -o -u user -p "" -d 0 -d 1 -d 2 -d 3 -T
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] Started bfgminer 3.7.0
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] Failed to get PortName registry key value in lowl-vcom.c
_vcom_devinfo_scan_windows__hubport():443: The system cannot find the file speci
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] Failed to ioctl (1) in lowl-vcom.c windows_usb_get_root_h
ub_path():497: The operation completed successfully.
[2013-11-29 19:30:53] Twinfury: Not a valid response from device (-1)
[2013-11-29 19:30:54] klondike_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)", bu
t lowlevel driver is not usb!
[2013-11-29 19:30:56] x6500_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)", but l
owlevel driver is not ft232r!
[2013-11-29 19:30:56] ztex_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)", but lo
wlevel driver is not usb!
[2013-11-29 19:31:00] Read of fd 3 returned 0
[2013-11-29 19:31:00] nanofury_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)", bu
t lowlevel driver is not mcp2210!
[2013-11-29 19:31:00] hashbuster_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)",
but lowlevel driver is not hid!
[2013-11-29 19:31:00] hashbuster2_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)",
but lowlevel driver is not usb_generic!
[2013-11-29 19:31:02] Probing for an alive pool
[2013-11-29 19:31:03] Pool 0 alive
[2013-11-29 19:31:03] Network difficulty changed to 1 (13.44Mh/s)
[2013-11-29 19:31:03] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
[2013-11-29 19:31:03] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us
--debuglog --log-file 20131130-purelithium-debug.log
d:\Progs\bfgminer-3.7.0-win64>bfgminer -D -d?
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] setrlimit: Not supported by platform
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] Started bfgminer 3.7.0
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] Loaded configuration file bfgminer.conf
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] Fatal JSON error in configuration file.
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] Configuration file could not be used.
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] usb_devinfo_scan: Error getting USB string 1 (iManufactur
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] usb_devinfo_scan: Error getting USB string 2 (iProduct):
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] hidapi_try_lib: Couldn't load libhidapi.dll: unknown
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] hidapi_try_lib: Successfully loaded libhidapi-0.dll
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] hid_devinfo_scan: Found "Multitouch Vista" serial "1.0"
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] hid_devinfo_scan: Found "USB OPTICAL MOUSE" serial "(null
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] hid_devinfo_scan: Found "USB Keyboard" serial " "
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] hid_devinfo_scan: Found "USB Keyboard" serial " "
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] hid_devinfo_scan: Found "USB Keyboard" serial " "
[2013-11-30 14:30:58] hid_devinfo_scan: Found "HashBuster.nano Project" serial
" "
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] Failed to get PortName registry key value in lowl-vcom.c
_vcom_devinfo_scan_windows__hubport():443: ═x єфpxЄё эpщЄш єъpчpээ√щ Їpщы.
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] FTD2XX.DLL failed to load, not using FTDI autodetect
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] QueryDosDevice returned insufficent buffer error; enlargi
ng to 200
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] QueryDosDevice returned insufficent buffer error; enlargi
ng to 400
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] QueryDosDevice returned insufficent buffer error; enlargi
ng to 800
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] QueryDosDevice returned insufficent buffer error; enlargi
ng to 1000
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] QueryDosDevice returned insufficent buffer error; enlargi
ng to 2000
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] QueryDosDevice returned insufficent buffer error; enlargi
ng to 4000
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:006:002 (path=(nul
l), vid=fa04, pid=0011, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:006:001 (path=(nul
l), vid=09da, pid=0260, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:005:001 (path=(nul
l), vid=093a, pid=2510, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:007:001 (path=(nul
l), vid=058f, pid=6362, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:004:000 (path=(nul
l), vid=0000, pid=0000, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:007:255 (path=(nul
l), vid=8086, pid=3a3a, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:008:255 (path=(nul
l), vid=8086, pid=3a3c, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:005:255 (path=(nul
l), vid=8086, pid=3a38, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:002:255 (path=(nul
l), vid=8086, pid=3a35, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:006:255 (path=(nul
l), vid=8086, pid=3a39, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:003:255 (path=(nul
l), vid=8086, pid=3a36, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:001:255 (path=(nul
l), vid=8086, pid=3a34, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found usb device at usb:004:255 (path=(nul
l), vid=8086, pid=3a37, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found hid device at hid:\\?\hid#vid_fa04&p
id_0011#6&11d06e40&1&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} (path=\\?\hid#v
id_fa04&pid_0011#6&11d06e40&1&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}, vid=f
a04, pid=0011, manuf=StarFury Laboratories, prod=HashBuster.nano Project, serial
= )
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found hid device at hid:\\?\hid#vid_09da&p
id_0260&mi_01&col02#7&34c6cee6&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} (pa
8cb-001111000030}, vid=09da, pid=0260, manuf= , prod=USB Keyboard, serial=
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found hid device at hid:\\?\hid#vid_09da&p
id_0260&mi_01&col01#7&34c6cee6&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} (pa
8cb-001111000030}, vid=09da, pid=0260, manuf= , prod=USB Keyboard, serial=
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found hid device at hid:\\?\hid#vid_09da&p
id_0260&mi_00#7&10ef9124&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} (path=\\?
0030}, vid=09da, pid=0260, manuf= , prod=USB Keyboard, serial= )
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found hid device at hid:\\?\hid#vid_093a&p
id_2510#6&29bc10d8&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} (path=\\?\hid#v
id_093a&pid_2510#6&29bc10d8&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}, vid=0
93a, pid=2510, manuf=PIXART, prod=USB OPTICAL MOUSE, serial=(null))
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found hid device at hid:\\?\hid#unisofthid
device&col01#1&4784345&3&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} (path=\\?\h
}, vid=dddd, pid=0001, manuf=Daniels Danilins, prod=Multitouch Vista, serial=1.0
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] lowlevel_scan: Found vcom device at com:1 (path=\\.\COM1,
vid=0000, pid=0000, manuf=(null), prod=(null), serial=(null))
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] hashbuster_lowl_probe: Identify sequence didn't match on
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] Devices detected:
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] Timers: Using QueryPerformanceCounter
[2013-11-30 14:30:59] Recalibrating timeofday offset (delta 1385769002.901117s)
0 devices listed
C:\Users\BigMiner\Desktop\New folder>bfgminer.exe --scrypt -I 13,19,19,19 --thr
ead-concurrency 16384,22400,22400,22400 --gpu-engine 1045,1150,1050,1050 --gpu-m
emclock 1450,1420,1425,1425 -w 256,256,256,256 --auto-fan --failover-only --gpu-
powertune 0,20,20,20 --scan-serial all --scan-serial opencl:auto -o -u user -p "" -d 0 -d 1 -d 2 -d 3 -T
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] Started bfgminer 3.7.0
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] Failed to get PortName registry key value in lowl-vcom.c
_vcom_devinfo_scan_windows__hubport():443: The system cannot find the file speci
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] Failed to ioctl (1) in lowl-vcom.c windows_usb_get_root_h
ub_path():497: The operation completed successfully.
[2013-11-29 19:30:53] Twinfury: Not a valid response from device (-1)
[2013-11-29 19:30:54] klondike_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)", bu
t lowlevel driver is not usb!
[2013-11-29 19:30:56] x6500_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)", but l
owlevel driver is not ft232r!
[2013-11-29 19:30:56] ztex_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)", but lo
wlevel driver is not usb!
[2013-11-29 19:31:00] Read of fd 3 returned 0
[2013-11-29 19:31:00] nanofury_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)", bu
t lowlevel driver is not mcp2210!
[2013-11-29 19:31:00] hashbuster_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)",
but lowlevel driver is not hid!
[2013-11-29 19:31:00] hashbuster2_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)",
but lowlevel driver is not usb_generic!
[2013-11-29 19:31:02] Probing for an alive pool
[2013-11-29 19:31:03] Pool 0 alive
[2013-11-29 19:31:03] Network difficulty changed to 1 (13.44Mh/s)
[2013-11-29 19:31:03] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
[2013-11-29 19:31:03] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us
--debuglog --log-file 20131130-purelithium-debug.log
bfgminer --device ? --scan erupter:all --scan opencl:auto --scan cpu:auto
C:\Users\BigMiner\Desktop\New folder>bfgminer.exe --scrypt -I 13,19,19,19 --thr
ead-concurrency 16384,22400,22400,22400 --gpu-engine 1045,1150,1050,1050 --gpu-m
emclock 1450,1420,1425,1425 -w 256,256,256,256 --auto-fan --failover-only --gpu-
powertune 0,20,20,20 --scan-serial all --scan-serial opencl:auto -o -u user -p "" -d 0 -d 1 -d 2 -d 3 -T
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] Started bfgminer 3.7.0
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] usb_devinfo_scan: Error opening device: LIBUSB_ERROR_NOT_
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] Failed to get PortName registry key value in lowl-vcom.c
_vcom_devinfo_scan_windows__hubport():443: The system cannot find the file speci
[2013-11-29 19:30:51] Failed to ioctl (1) in lowl-vcom.c windows_usb_get_root_h
ub_path():497: The operation completed successfully.
[2013-11-29 19:30:53] Twinfury: Not a valid response from device (-1)
[2013-11-29 19:30:54] klondike_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)", bu
t lowlevel driver is not usb!
[2013-11-29 19:30:56] x6500_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)", but l
owlevel driver is not ft232r!
[2013-11-29 19:30:56] ztex_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)", but lo
wlevel driver is not usb!
[2013-11-29 19:31:00] Read of fd 3 returned 0
[2013-11-29 19:31:00] nanofury_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)", bu
t lowlevel driver is not mcp2210!
[2013-11-29 19:31:00] hashbuster_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)",
but lowlevel driver is not hid!
[2013-11-29 19:31:00] hashbuster2_lowl_probe: Matched "(null)" serial "(null)",
but lowlevel driver is not usb_generic!
[2013-11-29 19:31:02] Probing for an alive pool
[2013-11-29 19:31:03] Pool 0 alive
[2013-11-29 19:31:03] Network difficulty changed to 1 (13.44Mh/s)
[2013-11-29 19:31:03] Stratum from pool 0 detected new block
[2013-11-29 19:31:03] Pool 0 is hiding block contents from us
--debuglog --log-file 20131130-purelithium-debug.log