Its reporting correctly with the stable release but not with the latest release. Is this due to cgminer dropping gpu support after 3.7.2? Or something else?
I've also tried v3.5.0 with the same command line as the stable release and it reports in Gh/sec. So only the stable release of v3.2.8 reports correctly for me.
Am I missing something for the latest version?
My command line is:
bfgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp:// -u pengo.0 -p x -I 20 --auto-fan --temp-overheat 80 --temp-cutoff 85 --temp-target 70
tldr: Reports correctly in kH/sec in v3.2.8, newer versions tested v3.5.0 and latest release it reports in gH/sec (same cmd line)..
Thanks for your help if you can assist.
If you (or anyone else) can bisect it, debug it, or provide a patch, I'll look into it...
If you use Windows, you can easily bisect by starting a new session on