Ratio is the same percentage that you hold in Ros coin
How do we figure out what percentage we hold? And is ratio = number of coins, or % against total supply?
For example, how much FLY would one get upon swapping 10,000 Ros?
Ok..here is the way it works.
On September 16th 2015 at 6am, the swap closes.
I count the total number of Ros submitted. Lets say its 30 Million ROS.
I then calculate the percentage of ROS that was turned in by each person.
Lets say you turned in 3 million ROS, that is 10% of the total ROS submitted
The total fly is 150,000
You would get the same percentage in FLY, 10%. 10% of 150,000 is 15,000 fly coins.
Hope this answers your question.
I've sent u my bunch of roscoins.
Hope I wont regret my investment in you