Dev Update Hey all!
I have neglected to address this already, so I figured I would address it prior to anyone getting the wrong ideas about what we are doing.
Rise Vision Foundation is working with my company, Don’t Panic Consulting, L.L.C. to provide a long-term, stable future for the Rise Platform.
Most cryptocurrencies fade away after a year or so. Their initial funding runs out, and they stop development, they stop communicating, and they stop being useful to the community as a whole.
This is something we wanted to avoid with Rise. In order to do that, we raised money during the ICO to initiate a ramp up in development. This money is being spent primarily in development, some of which being paid to Don’t Panic Consulting for development services. I, through Don’t Panic, have pledged to support Rise Vision Foundation with at least 2 full time developers until the Roadmap is completed, after which, Don’t Panic will allocate development resources as necessary to continue supporting the Rise Vision Platform.
In addition to this, Don’t Panic is using the Rise platform, and the Rise Blockchain to design and build other advanced systems, specifically, legislative and municipal management systems. I believe these kinds of applications, along with large value transfers, is where the real strength of the blockchain lies.
Don’t Panic is working on sponsoring a TEDx event in the Lewiston / Auburn, Maine area, to discuss blockchain and related applications, and bring a few more eyes to Rise. My Blockchain talk will be posted to the TEDx Youtube channels, as required by TED, and will be viewable around the world after the conference.
Don’t Panic, and myself, believe fully in the Rise Vision Foundation, and Rise Platform, and we are going to do our best to make it succeed. This does not mean that things will be done quickly, or that things will be pushed out due to community pressure. Things will be released when they are ready, and when they have been properly tested.
This is my last update for this week.
Justin R. Donnaruma