
Topic: [Open!!!] Project SONO [Signature Campaign][Twitter Campaign] - page 15. (Read 34551 times)

full member
Activity: 378
Merit: 101
Dev,i made a mistake when i filled the form. The question of altcom address on forum proile, i choosed "no, i don't want to be paid for this" option. Is that ok,if i post 10 messages this week, can i get my payment.
Another question, i already put the altcom address on forum profile a few days ago. But i just checked my status, it says ALTCOM address not found in user profile.
Please help,thank you.
Remove the address from the Other contact info: ASNJ7jbaPz2ajrCoS4xHiKaBDz4HgFsEY6
Paste it into Personal Text: ASNJ7jbaPz2ajrCoS4xHiKaBDz4HgFsEY6
I will correct your profile and you will be able to receive a reward from next week.
Why did you two times indicate 0xC077826a229fc633377EDcaE040774b15413f69B this is completely superfluous, just once and in the Bitcoin address:
full member
Activity: 252
Merit: 100
Dev,i made a mistake when i filled the form. The question of altcom address on forum proile, i choosed "no, i don't want to be paid for this" option. Is that ok,if i post 10 messages this week, can i get my payment.
Another question, i already put the altcom address on forum profile a few days ago. But i just checked my status, it says ALTCOM address not found in user profile.
Please help,thank you.
full member
Activity: 378
Merit: 101
I sincerely thank for Dev due to the barriers of newbies be we -  newbie can enjoy joining signature campaign like others.
Welcome to AltCommunityCoin.  I hope you will not have difficulties in understanding how everything is arranged here Wink
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
I sincerely thank for Dev due to the barriers of newbies be we -  newbie can enjoy joining signature campaign like others.
full member
Activity: 378
Merit: 101
full member
Activity: 448
Merit: 100
Hi, dev

I am now Member of the bitcointalk.
How can I update my status for the signature campaign?

You have already updated it. It will be checked and the statistics will be updated.

Hello Gunka

I'm a member now , i also updated my signature can you change my status ?
full member
Activity: 616
Merit: 167
I'm interested in how long this campaign goes for? Doesn't have an end date posted anywhere as far as I can see!

If it will still be open, I'll be interested in joining at a later date Smiley
full member
Activity: 378
Merit: 101
Hi, dev

I am now Member of the bitcointalk.
How can I update my status for the signature campaign?

You have already updated it. It will be checked and the statistics will be updated.
full member
Activity: 378
Merit: 101
EN Version:

Rules that apply now:

Every Signature Campaign week will be closed on every Saturday, ALTCOM coins will be enlisted every Sunday
Participants in this campaign have to be at least a Newbie rank to wear our signature.
Minimum 10 constructive posts per week.
If you will write more than 10 eligible post per week.
If you don't reach 10 posts before a  Saturday, you will not receive any stake for the current week.
If you have collected more than 50 messages before the end of the week, only 50 will be paid.
Posts such as "good luck", "hello", "love this project", "thanks dev" or any other unsubstantial posts will not be counted as valid.
Posts with less than 60 characters will not be counted as valid posts.
Every signature campaign participant has to wear our avatar (Full Member rank participants and above).
Multiple accounts are not allowed and will result in banning you from our campaign.
If during the subscription campaign your status of the Bitcointalk account changes, you must contact me the Gunka campaign manager via private messages in Bitcointalk.
Both signature and avatar have to be kept until the bounty is rewarded.
Violation of this rule will lead to a ban to participate in our campaign.


LIST participant:   

Find your name and click on it to see your detailed statistics.

If at the start you had a Rank Member and during [Signature Campaign] he has changed. You change the signature according to the rank. If something is not right, write to me, I will help you.

The reward is calculated with that rank with which you started.

If START Newbie END Member = TOTAL Post * 0.05 ALTCOM (Newbie).

These rewards will be paid weekly.
Newbie 0.05 ALTCOM
Jr. Member 0.10 ALTCOM
Member 0.20 ALTCOM
Full Member: 0.25 ALTCOM
Senior Member: 0.32 ALTCOM
Hero Member: 0.40 ALTCOM
Legendary: 0.50 ALTCOM

RU Version:
Teкyщиe пpaвилa:

Кaждaя пoдпиcнaя-нeдeля бyдeт нaчинaтьcя в пoнeдeльник и зaкaнчивaтьcя в cyббoтy, a мoнeты ALTCOM бyдyт зacчитывaтьcя кaждoe вocкpeceньe.

Для иcпoльзoвaния пoдпиcи, yчacтники этoй кaмпaнии дoлжны имeть cтaтyc yчeтнoй зaпиcи Newbie и вышe.

Baм нeoбxoдимo нaбpaть минимyм 10 или мaкcимyм 50 кoнcтpyктивныx cooбщeний в нeдeлю.

Ecли вы oтпpaвитe мeнee 10 cooбщeний дo пятницы, вы нe пoлyчитe дoли зa тeкyщyю нeдeлю.
Ecли вы нaпишeтe бoлee 50 пoдxoдящиx cooбщeний в нeдeлю, в зaчeт пoйдyт тoлькo пepвыe 50.

Cooбщeния, oтпpaвлeнныe в дaнныe paздeлы фopyмa cчитaютcя нeдeйcтвитeльными: Off-topic; Archival;
Cooбщeния "Пpивeт", "Удaчи", "люблю этoт пpoeкт" или дpyгиe нecyщecтвeнныe cooбщeния бyдyт cчитaтьcя нeдeйcтвитeльными.
Cooбщeния, cocтoящиe из мeнee 60 cимвoлoв, бyдyт cчитaтьcя нeдeйcтвитeльными.

Кaждый yчacтник кaмпaнии-пoдпиcи дoлжeн иcпoльзoвaть нaшe изoбpaжeния пpoфиля (aвaтap) (yчacтники co cтaтycoм Full Member и вышe).
Иcпoльзoвaниe нecкoлькиx пoдпиceй и yчeтныx зaпиceй зaпpeщeнo.
Hapyшeниe этoгo пpaвилa пpивeдeт к бaнy нa yчacтиe в нaшeй кaмпaнии.

Ecли вы peшитe ocтaвить нac и пpиcoeдинитьcя к дpyгoй кaмпaнии, нaпишитe нaм oб этoм в этoй тeмe, чтoбы мы cмoгли пpoвepить, мoжeтe ли вы пoлyчить мoнeты зa тeкyщyю нeдeлю (= ecли вы oтпpaвили 10 кoнcтpyктивныx cooбщeний).
Ecли вы этoгo нe cдeлaeтe, вaши мoнeты ALTCOM зa тeкyщyю нeдeлю нe бyдyт зacчитaны.
Cooбщeния yдaлять нe peкoмeндyeтcя, тaк кaк этo yмeньшит иx кoличecтвo. 
Пoдпиcь, и изoбpaжeния пpoфиля дoлжны быть нa пpoфилe дo тex пop, пoкa нe бyдeт выплaчeнo вoзнaгpaждeниe.
Пocлe oкoнчaния нeдeли вы дoлжны cмeнить пoдпиcь в cooтвeтcтвии c paнгoм.
Ecли вы этoгo нe cдeлaeтe тo cлeдyющaя нeдeля нe бyдeт cчитaтьcя дeйcтвитeльнoй.

Ocнoвнoй мoмeнт, c кaким paнгoм вы нaчaли нeдeлю c тaким и зaкaнчивaeтe, дaжe ecли oн y вac был пoвышeн.

Haгpaдa выплaчивaeтcя eжeнeдeльнo.

Newbie 0.05 ALTCOM
Jr. Member 0.10 ALTCOM
Member 0.20 ALTCOM
Full Member: 0.25 ALTCOM
Senior Member: 0.32 ALTCOM
Hero Member: 0.40 ALTCOM
Legendary: 0.50 ALTCOM

Haпpимep cтapт c paнгoм Newbie.
Знaчит зa 10 cooбщeний вы пoлyчитe  10 * 0.05 = 0.5  или мaкcимyм 50 * 0.05 =2.5

Кaк пpиcoeдинитьcя к кoмпaнии:

1. Интeгpиpyйтe кoд пoдпиcи в вaш пpoфиль
2. Дoбaвьтe aвaтap в вaш пpoфиль (для yчacтникoв co cтaтycoм Full Member и вышe)
3. Интeгpиpyйтe aдpec ALTCOM жeлaтeльнo в пoлe Personal Text:
4. Зaпoлнитe этy фopмy:

Cпиcoк yчacтникoв:

Haйдитe cвoи имя и кликнитe нa нeгo, yвидитe cвoю пoдpoбнyю cтaтиcтикy.
full member
Activity: 280
Merit: 128
Hi, dev

I am now Member of the bitcointalk.
How can I update my status for the signature campaign?
full member
Activity: 378
Merit: 101
A newbie joined for signature campaign and after couple of weeks, the position moved to Jr.Member - in this case how to change the signature code and get rewarded?
Edit your message and clear over quoting please.

Start Jr. Member End Jr.  Member
full member
Activity: 378
Merit: 101
Let me clarify, were payments made to all participants?
I just did not receive any payments and I did not receive any information about previous payments.
If you did not receive, then you did not score at least 10 messages.

I had much more than 10 messages. at the beginning I had 91 messages, now the counter starts at me 126 I expected payment for 35 messages, 0.2 * 35 = 7 coins.

I ask you to understand this case.
You did not have the signature correctly installed at the beginning.

2017-11-13 20:05:09
You have messages 91
You have ALTCOM address passed.
Does not match the rank Member or incorrectly inserted.
ALTCOM Wallet: ATVN3FYhZq6D9vYShQNvZqtEUMSiz5pHpT MEW:  0x391Cae7E919104499f35dF632179cD5B8f015e02

You changed it to
2017-11-15 19:25:27
You have messages 99
You have ALTCOM address passed.
Member ALTCOM signature passed.

No check passed, so they didn't get paid. This time, everything is set up well and there won't be any problems.
Activity: 140
Merit: 10
Nice campaign, Dev. Will airdrop been opened for community again?

Don't think so!!
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
full member
Activity: 392
Merit: 105
Let me clarify, were payments made to all participants?
I just did not receive any payments and I did not receive any information about previous payments.
If you did not receive, then you did not score at least 10 messages.

I had much more than 10 messages. at the beginning I had 91 messages, now the counter starts at me 126 I expected payment for 35 messages, 0.2 * 35 = 7 coins.

I ask you to understand this case.
Activity: 218
Merit: 10
Nice campaign, Dev. Will airdrop been opened for community again?
Activity: 11
Merit: 0
Thanks for your campaign. It is very kind for low level like newbie. Anyone can have a opportunity similarly.
full member
Activity: 266
Merit: 100
You are so kind,thank you.
full member
Activity: 378
Merit: 101
I did not receive any of the payments at  first signature week,i post 51 messages,and i got nothing,nothing.
I checked once more your messages, payment will be made. Wait a little. Thank you.
full member
Activity: 266
Merit: 100
I did not receive any of the payments at  first signature week,i post 51 messages,and i got nothing,nothing.
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