Nice try, but you only made me look better. So thanks for that
only in your mind does a coin cloiner get caught lying and you think it makes you look good lol
your truly are an insane maniac. I don't say that to be mean but because your mental state is simply frightening
i posted claims that can be verified and backed up showing how you and your corrupt back-room cronies
have lied and scammed and you made no effort to deny it.. instead you posted an admission of guilt by trying to make excuses
for your bad behavior.. any normal human on earth would have tried to deny what i said and you didn't even try.
and you can't deny it and you know it because there is probably a good 100 people out there that can conform what i said.
Ask any Cryptsy staff member for example and they *should be able to confirm a lot of what i said
and vouch for the fact that i tried to speak fairly and accurately with out adding any malicious exaggeration.. it wasn't needed lol
Keep it up
the more you try and start shit with my randomly out of the blue for no reason the more i will post tangible facts exposing your scammy cloning empire.
and yes you are a scammer if you release coin and lie about it profusely.. it doesn't matter if you decide to admit it, way later after the fact after you have been cornered.
I have busted you and exposed you endlessly like a broken record and there is one single reason i have been able to do that..
..the smart scammers don't get caught lol
They also keep their mouth shut because they know better.. not because of me because running you mouth is just going to dig yourself a hole.
The other coin cloners are far smarter than you and none of them have been put on record bragging about being a "certified Mensa Genius"
well except for Vlad but he said in response to you that he was not certified and did not do the testing like you claim to have done.
AND THAT is the problem.. your are not a genius but a conceded man that suffers from a plethora of mental health issues such delusion of grandeur..
You have spoken publicly about "your fans" and i don't see any.. never have.. your simply delusional !
A real genius would not need to get caught lying about things to either to make themselves look good or to promote a scam of sorts for financial gain.
Nor would they threaten to beat someone up like me who could make quick work of you.. i have been in a million fights and lost none
and have had plenty of one punch knock outs.. I have also won every court case i have ever been in too, so when you harass me with
endless pm's (last year) your going to sue me i have to laugh lol
Your a liar and scammer and i have proven it and a lot of the proof is here on your comment history.
Further more you behavior is a long history of manipulation you think in your mind you can control the scene.. seriously people look at his behavior.
It's all manipulation by a conceded delusional so called genius..
Such as when i pointed out on chat before that you had threatened to attack coins and you denied it outright and kept saying i was lying
and we went through that exact routine a bunch of times and each time i had to post a link to prove it, like i will do right now..
That is the GILL ANN topic showing you admitting to attacking coins and then threatening to attack more coins.
and what boggled my mind back then (last year) is why you would even try and lie about it when you knew i had proof of it..
i posted that on chat before and you even tried lying about it again knowing i was going to post the link again and you still lied anyway lol
NO. you are not a genius your a mentally ill moron that doesn't know when to quit.
here is a sample of what iGotSpots said on that link i just posted..
I guess it was super blocks that you hate...don't see how you can hate one, then launch basically the same thing, but whatever, I was wrong I guess
Every single one he releases from here on out will instantly be attacked and we will not let up until it is ruined. Mastercoin will be left alone because some of you already have significant amounts of hashpower and coins stocked up and we do not want to hurt anyone's wallets
We will be doing you all a favor and saving you money on electricity mining something that will become worthless
You've been warned
Notice how your attacking coins because of cloning which is what you lied about i showed in my earlier topic link i posted lol
Your a liar and a scammer and hypocrite and you have the nerve to threaten me with lawsuits *claiming i "defamed" your cloning business (which was another lie)
while you run around this forum attacking coins AND DEFAMING them for being clones and then demanding Bitcointalk and Cryptsy hand over my user data
so you can sue me and hop on a plane to be me up as you said in front of everyone publicly before..
You are a clown and i have never understood why you would show your face in here after all the bullshit stunts you have pulled lol
Keep it up "Mensa Genius" coin cloner hahaha
Why don't you tell us all what coins you attacked ?
and yeah, you know i have proof on you about that and plenty more stories
Oh and who is "WE" you mentioned in that GIL topic i quoted ?