
Topic: Operation Shitcoin Cleanout and Clean Up Has Begun- Join the Revolution- Re-open - page 39. (Read 176798 times)

Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
My one 7950 is not going to be messing with any coin lol
I think many of us don't want to turn off our mining earnings to try forking coins losing money in the process hahahha
It sort of looks like we're pretty much all talk but hey who knows ? maybe some big guys out there will get pissed and start doing some stuff Smiley

So.. topic seems pretty dead as in the whole we're going to attack coins deal.

I hope i got at least one guy out there to think about things though..
I am not against crypto i am FOR crypto LONG term ! and i can't rationally think how a lot of the crappy clone bs will help long term.

Each of us need to figure out what we want to do and at what level of morality and make our own decisions..
I have said it's been a learning process for me what i will and won't get involved in and that has changed over time from day 1.
And i know new guys are in a different position than i am now so i am not that hard on them actually.
But i really hope to arm new people with the most blunt and honest info possible so they can make their own decisions how they want.
Sweeping under the rug all the smoke and mirrors and scammy bs stunts is not fair to people over all.
And the guys doing it all are the ones who are trolling and flaming and putting up a big stink about things..

Summary of this topic to me ? Clone / scam coin defenders want to desperately defend their right to post coin clones or scam variants of ANY kind.
No matter how scammy they insist they have the right to lay them out at any rate even 100 new scams a day.. BUT we're not allowed to do anything to curb this behavior.
Freedom for me to steal but no freedom to defend against people getting scammed hard.
These people have no concern for people that lose money. NONE ! they couldn't care less that guys on the bottom of a pyramid scheme are getting screwed.
These guys also won't admit there is any negative long term consequences of their behavior with cloning for profit etc
These guys will also not admit even one single coin is a scam even though i can guarantee i could go find comments of these guys
shouting scam at ripple or something.. they will come here and play games and admit nothing.
To them there is no limit.. anything goes and it's a free for all with no rules and they have the right to unleash a 1,000 clones day while
lying to flash miners about support that will of course be pulled shortly after the next clone has been uploaded (scamming a lot of noobs etc)

the bottom line is these scam defenders will not give an inch and they will not admit anything and do nothing but make pitiful excuses (and get more ballsy with bs scams)
and spend all their time and effort trying to Troll on people or attack them personally as their proof that scam coins are ok.
70+ pages so far and i have not seen one single valid excuse posted.. it's 75% name calling at Spoetnik kind of childish crap.
And have at er' i couldn't care less that make them look bad not me.

/end speech
hero member
Activity: 490
Merit: 500
Activity: 1246
Merit: 1000
Activity: 1246
Merit: 1000

Also AUR = ORB, we are comparing shitclones to other shitclones, IPO to other IPO. The problem is that most if not all new-ish coins still have no reason for existence, other than 'I need to use this clever sounding name that does not already exist.' Meanwhile contributing to the mountain-sized altcoin population that further dilutes anyone's ability to properly sieve, further instigating future coin scammers.


You know i've noticed a pattern on here that a lot of people talking about shit coins also seem to be whoring out for Franko. Well you know what, just for kicks I decided to look at the list of alleged places where Franko is accepted as currency and just about every site I checked on the list doesn't have it as a payment option at all!

Here is a small sample from this list - no Franko option to be found - No Franko option to be found (But Doge is there, lol!) - No Franko option - No Franko option - No Franko option - doesn't exist anymore - Doesn't exist anymore

I just gave up after this, didn't find a single site to buy things with Franko! And of these sites, most are just crudely designed ma and pa stores, hardly "wide acceptance" which is a commonly overused phrase around here.

Most of these sites want JUST want Bitcoin, some Litecoin and a few Doge. One had a Feathercoin option, another Quark...

What is Franko's "specialty?" According to the official site " Franko is the future because its fair, scarce, and blazing fast."

Wow, never heard a coin with those features before!

So yeah, Franko is no less a scamcoin then any of the other 200 coins on CMC.  
Activity: 1843
Merit: 1338
XXXVII Fnord is toast without bread

I don't remember 95% of anyone screaming scam with ripple, and should you be comparing that with NXT, not AUR?

I am sure you are just trolling....

Ever hear of the site The fact that no-one builds thread after thread discussing the same 100% mined XRP does not make it any less of a concern.

Also AUR = ORB, we are comparing shitclones to other shitclones, IPO to other IPO. The problem is that most if not all new-ish coins still have no reason for existence, other than 'I need to use this clever sounding name that does not already exist.' Meanwhile contributing to the mountain-sized altcoin population that further dilutes anyone's ability to properly sieve, further instigating future coin scammers.

Activity: 1632
Merit: 1010
Just to make things messier than they already are, there are claims of trolls trying to derail threads now, sole reason being to profit via extortion. That may explain why some trolls post non-stop in some threads, days on end... seemingly without a sane reason for doing so.

Some of those yelling 'scam' evidently are trying to scam other people. This place really is a cesspool.
Free market

Free market does not equal criminal activity.

Someone making a taxi coin or some junk coin isn't committing a crime. It's a waste for a coin, but not a crime.  Extortion on the other hand, isn't quite the same as 'free market'.

YOU are the one derailing our talk.. i scrolled since i last came here and enjoyed reading EVERYONE'S replies but yours.
i appreciate the responsive feedback and opinions and try hard to respect peoples ideas even if i don't agree with them.
and i try hard to stay on topic or related to it every time i talk.
Your constant and incessant Extortion claims are pure lunacy i have said 6x already i have not seen any claim like that yet
and yet you and another guy or two are harping on it endlessly.. maybe post some proof ? or drop it..
i can think up random accusations just as easily so if you guy wanna play dirty then buckle up i never started yet Wink
another guy said prove it by postings some quotes and you did what all the guys do here and that is dodge and hide and strike again later..

@Bitjoin i should check out those links you posted thanks.
And i know we have often had complete opposite opinions but you always are a man of class that can discuss things with maturity
and i really appreciate that. And i don't want to fuel a fire here on the debate about whether Doge is a scam or not
but i will conceded it has brought in lots of new users but could another coin have brought in many new users of higher quality ?

I see people saying if there is involvement then it's legit generally speaking in all aspects of this stuff
but sorry that is pretty bad logic.. people are greedy and will get involved in any scam no matter how bad of if they think they can make money.

And exchanges have an opportunity to be a leader in the community and that is not happening when Cryptsy guys sneak back in Orbitcoin mid December.
can you say premine ? and drama so bad you guys had to pull the coin 1 hr after release months earlier before because people
were outraged Cryptsy would add such an obvious blatant premined scam coin? And since the quality for the coins added have drop to the lowest of the low .
and let me guess "user demand" ya ya i heard that one before once or twice.. it's called passing the buck.
Many of you are killing the scene and are simply loitering around making excuses for it all while you bend over backwards finding ways
to drain the scene dry until you choke the last breath of life from it all.. and then all your rambling about Free Market etc will go silent and you will all just wander off.
are things getting better ? nope.. who to blame ? they know who they are.

when i asked before what the same defenders think of ripple i was ignored again like with most i ask.. i keep confronting the scam defenders and they..

Tell me what IS a bad coin then ? none ? and why do i recall 95% of you all out there screaming scam with Ripple but ohhh well lets add AUR ?
I truly believe with every conceivable fiber of my being that almost all the guys out there are full of shit on a scale we have newer witnessed before.
This crypto scam crap has ushered in a new low of human morality online as scummy scammy free for all rip off fest.
You all say there is NO problem in any way ? Really Huh
Are you all blind or dumb or in denial or what ? seriously ?

People that see what i am saying want the clean up to begin and it can't come soon enough.. we need to take action against the scammers
because they are costing us money making us look bad and ruining the whole scene..we won't have Altcion scene to talk about later on !
And why should i sit back and let scammers ruin in for everyone ? watch your backs i want to hold a lot of guys under water !

Oh and exchange staff behind the scenes need to stop being involved in making a lot of coins.. that crap has got to stop it's been going on for way too long.
I don't remember 95% of anyone screaming scam with ripple, and should you be comparing that with NXT, not AUR?
Activity: 1540
Merit: 1011
FUD Philanthropist™
In response to Princess Spoetnik's rejoinders, I would like to offer the following opposing points. Before I get moving here, let me point out that Princess Spoetnik's oppugnant crotchets may have serious repercussions, even beyond the issue of Tartuffism. That's pretty transparent. What's not so transparent is the answer to the following question: Whatever happened to Princess Spoetnik's sense of humanity? A clue might be that many people think of Princess Spoetnik's bloody-minded, furacious allegations as a joke, as something only half-serious. In fact, they're deadly serious. They're the tool by which pigheaded hermits will make us less united, less moral, less sensitive, less engaged, and more perversely inhumane when you least expect it. A second all-too-serious item is that Princess Spoetnik never tires of telling us that she has mystical powers of divination and prophecy. That's why I feel obligated to respond by reminding everyone that I believe in “live and let live”. Princess Spoetnik, in contrast, demands not only tolerance and acceptance of her declamations but endorsement of them. It's because of such vile demands that I insist that that's just one side of the coin. The other side is that she keeps telling us that she can walk on water. Are we also supposed to believe that she has a duty to conceal the facts and lie to the rest of us, under oath if necessary, perjuring herself to help disseminate the True Faith of imperialism? I didn't think so.

Princess Spoetnik is lacking in the social graces. You don't need to be the smartest guy on the planet to figure that out. Heck, even the lowliest Joe Six-Pack knows that Princess Spoetnik has recently been going around claiming that there is an international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. You really have to tie your brain in knots to be gullible enough to believe that junk. Be that as it may, to someone whose eyes are open, her constantly repeated mantra that she is a model citizen is an insanely despicable notion. By way of contrast, consider my personal mantra that Princess Spoetnik's acrimonious reportages often resemble an inverted fairy tale in that the triumph of innocence comes at the start and the ugly sisters of savagism and aspheterism enter on stage in triumph for the final curtain. Just because I understand Princess Spoetnik's arguments doesn't mean I agree with them. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

i read the first two lines and can't stop laughing long enough to finish reading it ROFL
i will sign your boobies and an autographed picture (the picture will by my version of Goatse that Clan Myg0t put online 10 years ago)

Lemme break it down for the less language savvy out there.. The following are not even words lol
oppugnant, Tartuffism, furacious, impurify, reportages, savagism, aspheterism

i love how no one in crypto gets as much attention and posting fucktard garbage like this puts what i say on a pedestal
shooting yourself in the foot in the process.. you Trolls think your soooo brilliant coming at me and failing miserably,
in turn making me look far more credible when people stop and scroll back and read what i said..
And common sense would dictate if you had just shut your mouth most people would have ignored me hahaha
ya oooooooh ya your a smart one lolol

It is cute how all the little inept morons vanish and come crawling back a week after the fact with some kind of quoting bump attack / retort.
feel free to address anything i said specifically rather than posting sarcastic gibberish to try and make fun of me..
hmm i wonder why you didn't do that instead in the first place ? Answer: Your not smart enough.

Say my name 3 times in a mirror and Spoetnik will come to bash your clone coin Tongue
Hey but i got to give you credit you spelled my name in the above quote correctly 10 times so that is pretty impressive..
i myself misspell my own name a LOT hahaha

pm: for autographs today only 0.1 BTC for a signed pic i will mail to your door (SH included within continental US & CAN) Act now while supplies last !

Pro Tip: Stay on topic it gives what you say more credence.
Activity: 35
Merit: 0
The Satoshi principle is long gone, all that is left is greed, big business making machines so the can get $ for
the BTC they can squeeze out of every last little GH/s they can get out of a new chip. No more people's currency,
just its value in $/€/£ or whatever you use.

I sometimes sit back and wonder...... What does Satoshi think of all this.  It seems like he created bitcoin on a principal, and part of the heart of that principal was anti-corruption.  Ironically.... this market is full of scammers.

So, I sit back and ask myself..... What is Satoshi doing about this now?  What will he do? 

Bitcoin was meant to stick it to the man.  Now bitcoin is made up an elite group that Satoshi in someways hates.  What is his next step?

That's true, but I can't picture a scenario where there are no speculators/scamers in all Bitcoin economy. You can't have a free market with only honest people. The ASIC companies do what pharma, tabacoo industries do : make money for investors.
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1001
mining is so 2012-2013
The Satoshi principle is long gone, all that is left is greed, big business making machines so the can get $ for
the BTC they can squeeze out of every last little GH/s they can get out of a new chip. No more people's currency,
just its value in $/€/£ or whatever you use.

I sometimes sit back and wonder...... What does Satoshi think of all this.  It seems like he created bitcoin on a principal, and part of the heart of that principal was anti-corruption.  Ironically.... this market is full of scammers.

So, I sit back and ask myself..... What is Satoshi doing about this now?  What will he do? 

Bitcoin was meant to stick it to the man.  Now bitcoin is made up an elite group that Satoshi in someways hates.  What is his next step?
hero member
Activity: 708
Merit: 500
In response to Princess Spoetnik's rejoinders, I would like to offer the following opposing points. Before I get moving here, let me point out that Princess Spoetnik's oppugnant crotchets may have serious repercussions, even beyond the issue of Tartuffism. That's pretty transparent. What's not so transparent is the answer to the following question: Whatever happened to Princess Spoetnik's sense of humanity? A clue might be that many people think of Princess Spoetnik's bloody-minded, furacious allegations as a joke, as something only half-serious. In fact, they're deadly serious. They're the tool by which pigheaded hermits will make us less united, less moral, less sensitive, less engaged, and more perversely inhumane when you least expect it. A second all-too-serious item is that Princess Spoetnik never tires of telling us that she has mystical powers of divination and prophecy. That's why I feel obligated to respond by reminding everyone that I believe in “live and let live”. Princess Spoetnik, in contrast, demands not only tolerance and acceptance of her declamations but endorsement of them. It's because of such vile demands that I insist that that's just one side of the coin. The other side is that she keeps telling us that she can walk on water. Are we also supposed to believe that she has a duty to conceal the facts and lie to the rest of us, under oath if necessary, perjuring herself to help disseminate the True Faith of imperialism? I didn't think so.

Princess Spoetnik is lacking in the social graces. You don't need to be the smartest guy on the planet to figure that out. Heck, even the lowliest Joe Six-Pack knows that Princess Spoetnik has recently been going around claiming that there is an international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. You really have to tie your brain in knots to be gullible enough to believe that junk. Be that as it may, to someone whose eyes are open, her constantly repeated mantra that she is a model citizen is an insanely despicable notion. By way of contrast, consider my personal mantra that Princess Spoetnik's acrimonious reportages often resemble an inverted fairy tale in that the triumph of innocence comes at the start and the ugly sisters of savagism and aspheterism enter on stage in triumph for the final curtain. Just because I understand Princess Spoetnik's arguments doesn't mean I agree with them. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

you talk a lot, but nothing comes out, I just hear baa baa baa; rather like the wife
Activity: 252
Merit: 10
i don't understand, why is Auroracoin still mentioned in the OP?
is it because this thread (and the so called "operation/revolution") is allready dead...?
..or.. that the thread creators just don't want to admit they were wrong about this "scam/shitcoin" ??

go ahead and kill a coin which already has a good amount of people behind it, which looks to be a great success so far (look at the positive adoption amongst the people in Iceland), and which (after all those attacks) may be one of the greatest positive things that happened in crypto world..
lol... yeah.. that will really make the crypto world "better"..   Roll Eyes
Activity: 19
Merit: 0;all


Not a fan of shitcoins myself, especially the premine/ipo ones..

But for you to take the moral highground after flaunting and mocking the GPL, and charging for a miner that fails to deliver what you said it would (in fact it looks downright scammy, like you just reported twice the hashrate it was doing) makes you sound more butthurt over not having the skills to pull off your own scamcoin, rather than being righteous for the good of the community


fuck off, butthole. who made you god over crypto?

Activity: 308
Merit: 10
★YoBit.Net★ 1400+ Coins Exchange
Hellloo.. Is anyone home? Muddafudda? Spoety? r3wt/ghostintheshellprompt/h4xx0r/extortion/WikiLeaksLover? Hm, I guess the party is over.
hero member
Activity: 756
Merit: 500
In response to Princess Spoetnik's rejoinders, I would like to offer the following opposing points. Before I get moving here, let me point out that Princess Spoetnik's oppugnant crotchets may have serious repercussions, even beyond the issue of Tartuffism. That's pretty transparent. What's not so transparent is the answer to the following question: Whatever happened to Princess Spoetnik's sense of humanity? A clue might be that many people think of Princess Spoetnik's bloody-minded, furacious allegations as a joke, as something only half-serious. In fact, they're deadly serious. They're the tool by which pigheaded hermits will make us less united, less moral, less sensitive, less engaged, and more perversely inhumane when you least expect it. A second all-too-serious item is that Princess Spoetnik never tires of telling us that she has mystical powers of divination and prophecy. That's why I feel obligated to respond by reminding everyone that I believe in “live and let live”. Princess Spoetnik, in contrast, demands not only tolerance and acceptance of her declamations but endorsement of them. It's because of such vile demands that I insist that that's just one side of the coin. The other side is that she keeps telling us that she can walk on water. Are we also supposed to believe that she has a duty to conceal the facts and lie to the rest of us, under oath if necessary, perjuring herself to help disseminate the True Faith of imperialism? I didn't think so.

Princess Spoetnik is lacking in the social graces. You don't need to be the smartest guy on the planet to figure that out. Heck, even the lowliest Joe Six-Pack knows that Princess Spoetnik has recently been going around claiming that there is an international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids. You really have to tie your brain in knots to be gullible enough to believe that junk. Be that as it may, to someone whose eyes are open, her constantly repeated mantra that she is a model citizen is an insanely despicable notion. By way of contrast, consider my personal mantra that Princess Spoetnik's acrimonious reportages often resemble an inverted fairy tale in that the triumph of innocence comes at the start and the ugly sisters of savagism and aspheterism enter on stage in triumph for the final curtain. Just because I understand Princess Spoetnik's arguments doesn't mean I agree with them. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Activity: 924
Merit: 1000
adding juggalocoin to the termination list.  Scam shitbox IPO coin with copyright infringement.

All that and an IPO too  Roll Eyes

Last I checked, Pets.ComCoin is still up for grabs. The perfect coin for sockpuppets!  Grin
Activity: 1246
Merit: 1000
adding juggalocoin to the termination list.  Scam shitbox IPO coin with copyright infringement.

Activity: 924
Merit: 1000
my logic lies in the fact that you would be attacking coins which have people invested in them. in most of the coins with low investment that will hurt them.. the small timers. so basically this operation makes you the badguy you seek to eradicate because until u came along, those people were enjoying some decent profits on those shitcoins. this is why this is a no good revolution. you harm the very people you claim to be trying to protect.

Now, that got my politico radar up. "Picking on the little guy" is a dead-way-certain method to get yourself cast as the bad guy. Not just in political speeches, but in regulations and even statutes. Anyone with a good economic education knows that the rationale behind the antitrust laws is shoddy. But they've been around for a long time and they'll stay around. Why? Because without them, those "monopolies" will "pick on the little guy"!

[True fact: Research in the 1970s showed that consumers filing antitrust complaints were an odd bird. The typical complainant was a small-business competitor of the target. Never mind how much swag those small business owners actually commanded; they were the little guy!]

I know, I know, but the hard fact is that anyone who can play the victim credibly can pose as the "little guy" being "victimized" and paint his foes as the "bad guy." Ask enough cops about this and you'll see why so many of them are embittered.
sr. member
Activity: 285
Merit: 255
Simple math;

One coin per day forked would yield 2 forks per year for each target (assuming 182.5 targets total)

Effect=Nothing       EDIT: Actually this means each year shitcoins will have two time periods to buy in cheap while the devs hard fork

Try something else.

full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
Just Do It!
How is it that you guy's would enjoy restricting the free market?? And why would you focus any energy into such a bitter subject? If its possible to catch someone redhanded scamming then they ought to be strung up, other than that let the market decide who they are going to mine for or buy from.
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