...If retirement age is raised to 68 from 65, the system will pay 100% of expected benefits forever.
Do the math on that; 30 years life with no need to work in return for 3 extra years work. Isn't that a good deal?
For those born after 1959 the "normal retirement age" is 67 years old. It probably should be raised to 70.
People can start collecting at 62 but their benefit would be reduced.
The problem with SS, is that when it first started it did a good job to help older people get out of poverty. As living expenses and people's expectations of what makes normal living has increased, the social security benefit becomes paltry. The average social security benefit in 2012 is $1,230.
66% of Americans do not save enough for retirement. This means that 25% reduction in the expected social security benefit will be very bad for the future elderly.
So what can we do? I agree that getting rid of the Social Security program would just have people take their extra money and spend it on more things they don't need. They won't buy disability insurance, they won't buy long term care insurance for their parents, and they won't save for retirement.
Often, people are told to do more for other people, but I say first people need to take responsibility for themselves. If people went to a financial advisor and they did not have life or disability insurance, then most financial advisors would require their clients buy this insurance. If the client refused, then the financial advisor would refuse to serve the client. Our government could do the same thing.