Before giving negative trust that 1Sam account might have done nothing wrong but played at Luckybit (edit* or - it seems was also a gambling site), the person that says he was scammed was scammed by a website called funnybtc, who then spent the BTC on a wager at Luckybit. The funds then flowed from a luckybit wallet to a luckybit wallet and 1Sam. Unless I was missing something.
Maybe I am mistaken but the scam accusation against the 1Sam / luckybit is not very detailed. I do still believe that the account should not be given to Wewillallbeforgotten and should remain with the current account holder for other reasons, mostly Wewillallbeforgotten has failed to provid sufficient evidence that he owns the account other than that he at one time owned the account.
The evidence of being able to login to a account is not actual evidence, they've been hacked so many times he could just have the user information.
I whole heartedly agree that Wewillallbeforgotten shouldn't just be handed over the Avirunes account, any time a scam accusation is made, it's been the habit for some to flagged the accused's account with "There is a scam accusation against this user" or similar, so that's what I have done.
Wewillallbeforgotten is welcome to respond to those accusations here and about the 2014 accusation too.