Which advantages does SavAct have compared to other decentralized voting systems:
SavAct “forces” the host of a voting to stick with the result, otherwise most voters might invalidate their transactions. Content creators can use these votings to fund themselves with the help of their supporters. The votings can be shared independent of the platform, for example as texts, images, or masks in video streams. You can find more information in chapter 2.2 of the White Paper.
Regarding the Proof of Concept:
It uses a prescriptive analogy model. This means that similar mechanisms of interaction are compared. The relationship between invalidation and negative evaluation was explained in the section "Relative frequency 𝑷 in comparison". Both actions have absolutely no advantages for the buyer and only serve to punish the seller. Thus, they are both performed for the same motivations. In addition, a couple of worst-case assumptions were introduced in the study, making it very unlikely that the resulting costs would be underestimated. We have linked the almost 2000 analyzed sellers, how they were selected and their data here. So everyone can check for themselves that the analysis is valid.
Regarding the wallets:
If there are any problems, please check if you meet the system requirements. If something still doesn't work, please let us know and describe your problem in detail.
When the token or coin is online, the wallet will be updated to be able to handle them. We also want to cover as many systems as possible and there will certainly be a browser-plugin, but currently we are working on the programming on the blockchain.
Regarding to getting the token and coin:
We want to build up some reach, partnerships and push the programming before we announce the sale. Furthermore, we are planning different projects which will grant access to the coin SavAct, but currently other tasks have priority.
Regarding to our team:
We don't know why some people make up such a groundless accusation. Well, our team consists exclusively out of real people. This can be easily seen by a short google research, in LinkedIn and Facebook are also some registered. On some listing pages our team members are even verified by KYC. If there are further possibilities to verify our team members, please let us know.
Furthermore, we are searching for more team members, for that we want to publish some job offer in the near future.
There were some questions about Kevin Tuncer, his social media channels and his previous Kickstarter project.
Kevin Tuncer is CEO of SavAct and has submitted the trademark application and patents through a patent attorney Rüdiger Spies. Kevin was already a lecturer in Rapid Prototyping and sometimes publishes some articles on his private social media channels, but mostly in German.
At the time during his master studies he had worked on some open source projects and started a Kickstarter campaign. He had developed a computer- and app-controlled camera track, but the founding was not sufficient in the foreseeable future. Therefore, the Kickstarter campaign was stopped before the deadline, so no founder lost money. The project was then made available open source and now everyone can enrich themselves free of charge. See here on Kickstarter and here on GitHub.
Regarding to Fabian Kahlert:
Fabian as computer science master worked on a blockchain at the FIT (Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology) in cooperation with the RWTH (Technical University in Germany). Until the end of this year we are planning to upload more programming code.
How we came to the problem of buyer protection with crypto currencies:
Many fake vendors on the Internet accept crypto currencies because of the identity veiling, you can find many reports about it online. Some of the members of our team have also been scammed when paying with crypto currencies. Therefore, we recognized the need for a mechanism to prevent fraud while maintaining the benefits of crypto currencies. This means that the whole transaction process must be completely decentralized and without the influence of third parties. SavAct offers these features.
Regarding the payment process with SavAct:
The seller should not ship the goods until the buyer has sent the coins, of course with a deadline. Within this deadline, the seller should ensure that the buyer receives the goods. If the buyer does not receive the goods, the seller can extend the deadline or return the coins. How exactly this can look like with an offered product was described in chapter 2.1 of the white paper section "Example 1: The use of the Coin SavAct in online trading". Ultimately, the risk of fraud is significantly reduced as fraud does not pay off for any party.
The whole Proof of Concept assumes that buyers and merchants on ebay behave identically in the same way as in darkweb markets. This is clearly not true. Disregarding this and the nonrepresentative dataset, the conclusions described in the Proof of Concept are simply invalid. Regarding the speed of development of the project there can be no doubt, that you have listed more members in the whitepaper than people that are actually working on the project. Looking at the slow progress I wouldnt be surprised if most of the members have no relation to the project itself. Kevin Tuncer didnt get sufficient funding for the kickstarter campain and the first ICO. Anyhow, either your "members" did really get scammed online, which indicates that they ignored the ratings of merchants, or they are lying to sell their product. Either way they do not seem to be thrustworhy and why should they be, they disregard the fact that decentralized escrow services do exist and work quite well. In the end, the risk of fraud by using savact seems to be even higher, because both buyer and merchant can loose the funds and the goods, leaving empty handed.
Now a few words from someone who has really read the documents and can say that:
Hibrabase, all your comments here are misleading and intentional misrepresenting. I don't understand why you're doing this