now about this landfill guy,
apparently he kept all his bitcoin on a SINGLE address. i've heard of crazy things before but that's really crazy! that just shows how much of an amateur he was but i guess at that time, everything was much simpler. you just had p2pkh addresses and that's what everyone used. legacy addresses. i think i might feel a bit "exposed" if i kept half a billion dollars on a single legacy bitcoin address. but apparently there's no chance it can be hacked.
check out
1LdRcdxfbSnmCYYNdeYpUnztiYzVfBEQeC 53,880 BTC ($3,548,196,393)
1AC4fMwgY8j9onSbXEWeH6Zan8QGMSdmtA 51,830 BTC ($3,413,218,644)
1Ay8vMC7R1UbyCCZRVULMV7iQpHSAbguJP 51,165 BTC ($3,369,382,896)
1LruNZjwamWJXThX2Y8C2d47QqhAkkc5os 44,000 BTC ($2,897,564,272)
as for the 1fee's spambot
everyone knows those coins were scammed/stolen.
so by producing soo much dust im guessing the guy will snip off some coin to smaller hoards on different addresses and just claim one day when cashing out "not me sir, im not the hacker, some rando paid me, look he pays everyone something"