Why are PPT issuers so scared of this ass hat pirateat40 aka PonzyClown?
Why can't you guys team up and apply some serious pressure on PonzyClown to end this fiasco?
I am sure some of the PPT investors will back you up and help you to take down this scammer for good.
Ignorant troll detected. If he only knew what was going on...
Yes, You know NOTHING of what is going on... Keep trolling...
(message to Goat about the meaning of "troll" removed)
Goayt, did you send your evil ninjas with chop sticks to slice and dice scammer Trendon?
Do not forget to record it how this lowlife scumbag is begging for mercy while transferring back the stolen coins. LOL
NB! Ninjas chop sticks and not the Lego ninjas!