Support answer :
What should i understand from that ? ROFL
Is this real? Mind to show it on a screenshot or something like transcript?
It is just too bad if it is true that live support does not even know how to speak English or even do not know about what you are asking for.
Live support exists to serve players once there is an issue or something else.
Curious to know the answer from Cratoon about this case, it looks simple but it is very important thing.
They using Third-party support software, There is in build Translator On Support software. If you found, you have a chance to translate from your local language to English. You will take the opportunity to avoid any typing mistakes. Because They provide spelling corrections too. Somehow the translator failed to Translate. and original input shows to the client as an output. So I am not going to blame the support. Thank you.
never saw a perfect translator tool even google translators failed to provide a better translation too and you can easily got caught out if your using a translator but the admin/staff already explained that its day off of thier other support .
that answers the complain of other users that recomend good english speakers . the guys concern is only a delayed deposit but thats a normal thing especially for btc deposits . i use xrp all the time and guess what , xrp delays too . we just need to wait and i dont think support can do something about stuck deposits