Cryptocurrency is a no go area if you are an “emergency investor “. By emergency investor, i imply someone who invests in cryptocurrency to get profits within some short period of time in order to settle some immediate financial. The probability of that happening cannot be ruled out, but in instances where they occur, the probability is about 1/10.
Patience is a virtue for bitcoin and another cryptocurrency investment. Prices exhibit intermittent Bearish and Bullish movements over short periods of times which may leave investors confused as to what step to take.
A successful investor studies the market, invests in a coin that always rises remarkably after a significant drops and take decisions in moments of highs and lows.
This will save a lot of anxious investors who sell their coins when prices are dropping, causing them to lose significantly.
Emergency investors = LOL ha ha ha!
I guess everyone knows how important it was to be patient when you are involved in the cryptosphere. One more thing, since the market is unpredictable, there are cases when the impatients are the ones who are able to escape a market crash.
Therefore, I disagree (somehow) with you. Strategies may differ among us that's why I always say - avoid giving advice regarding crypto especially when you are just somebody over the internet. It really sucks when people creates a topic here, attracting noobs to read and comment totally nonsense.