consider this: we will be looking at some serious difficulty jumps in 2015.
If their stats are to be trusted, they sold ~1.5PH last month.
1500000GH x0.0014 = 2100 BTC
How much did they pay out ?
Ball park, lets assume they paid for the full 4.4 PH during the last month, thats about 1650 BTC.
to pull the plug is over long ago. If you check the paying HYIPs, no one has
such a bad ratio.
Ratio? What ratio?
2100-1650= ~450 BTC profit last month. Or $177K
Are you telling me you cant keep a website going for that?
You need to do something about your consistently sloppy and clueless
Most of last month was sold at .0016 and .0015
If the stats are to be trusted pbmining still netted over a quarter million dollars this month. It's not difficult to keep a ponzi going when people are throwing that kind of coin at them. If in the next month or two they bring in BTC1650 in new contracts and pay out BTC2325 in dividends, then you can start claiming the fact that they are paying out proves they're not a ponzi.