Also I'm throwing my hat in the ring for us finding a way to trade contracts on here. I have 521GHS across three contracts, same account, if anyone can make a solid offer I'll consider selling. If that goes well I have another account that I'll see about.
You can try to put if for sale in the digital goods section, allow people to make offers.
Why are you selling? Already ROI?
I'd like to move everything over to I like pbmining, consistent, but I don't like that I can't sell my GHS. I didn't mind this for a bit, but now I prefer to move my coin about sometimes.
I take it you haven´t mined at CEX ?
I've mined at pretty much all the various sites. As I get older let's just say I'm content to stick with cex and it's high-cost but fancy brand over smaller sites that more and more I feel I cannot trust. Trying to find information on these sites is almost impossible. Can anyone tell me anything about who runs pbmining or where and so on? It's a risk, of course, but I'm just not into anymore. I'll very likely be mostly trading on cex rather than mining these days.
If you´re looking for negative payouts CEX is the place.
You´ve been sitting here how long without knowing who runs
PB Mining ?