In order to receive profit from the work of the bounty hunter, you need to be careful. And patient. The first adequate arrival from my work appeared only after 3 months. And while this is not a comparable amount with what the old bounties get.
What is this post about? About patience. About attention. About perseverance.
If you decided to participate in the bounty, be careful. Check and double-check yourself. Do not be lazy to see the bounty conditions again. Once again. They are sometimes changed.
Be persistent. To avoid mistakes, you need time. If you came here, try. Study the project, its product, the team. Develop your profile on the forum. Read, ask, write. Do not grasp everything at once. Take a drop. 10 good projects can be more profitable than 90, taken just like that.
Be patient. Do not expect to buy a car tomorrow-a week, a month. Here time is your ally. Having received the first tokens, do not bother to sell to the stock exchange. Watch the market. Where the movement is going. What are the forecasts. Having fallen into a state of panic and hurrying to sell the first earned coins, you can miss a significant profit.
Attention, persevere, patience. In my opinion these are the qualities on which your future profit is held.