
Topic: Petition to have Fauci of the CDC Executed for Mass Murder, and... - page 2. (Read 557 times)

Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
Actually, America's Frontline Doctors are not being blocked so much anymore. Do a simple search - Also, they are on Bitchute, Del Bigtree did an interview with Simone Gold, and they are on altCensored -

Fauci Versus Frontline Doctors and Science: Pandemic Malpractice

But they are being blocked because their medical freedom has been squashed. Dr. Anthony Fauci has ensured that the government only addressed the COVID-19 pandemic through contagion control and hospital treatment. Missing is what other nations have pursued: early home/outpatient treatment to keep people with symptoms and/or a positive test result out of hospital. Which is why they have much lower death rates.

Collusion between Fauci and leftist media block information and access to a hydroxychloroquine cocktail proven safe and effective by some courageous doctors offering home treatment. Countering his very positive image created by leftist media, this article digs deep into who Fauci really is and what he has done. Rather than following science and pursuing a complete public health strategy, he has seriously harmed Americans. He alone, it will be shown, accounts for at least half of deaths in the US.

Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
Looks like Dr. Fauci is a terrorist on the side of bringing Chinese Communism to America. Of course, he's not alone. But he's getting paid a lot.

Go to the site for the links and the bibliography that show this stuff to be true.

Dr. Fauci’s dark, controlling vision (and his ties to globalists and the CCP) are a threat to America

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) was the chief advisor to the White House Coronavirus Task Force in March 2020. He ultimately unleashed a dark and controlling vision for “controlling the virus” — a virus released from a CCP lab he helped fund.

In 2017, Fauci warned that a “surprise outbreak” of a new disease was coming in the “next few years.” Fauci understood that gain-of-function research was being conducted on respiratory viruses such as coronaviruses. In fact, Fauci helped approve a $3.7 million grant to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2014. The five-year partnership with the Chinese continued on with controversial gain-of-function research that had been previously banned in the U.S. Fauci approved the funds, granted the Wuhan Institute the highest-level containment facility (BSL-4), while understanding that the lab is governed by the CCP and is part of the CCP’s bio-warfare program.

Fauci sends money to CCP bio-warfare lab to continue unethical research on coronaviruses

In 2014, incidents at U.S. government laboratories raised serious bio-safety concerns about gain-of-function bio-weapon research. By December 2014, the Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council published a risk assessment warning about the dangers of gain-of-function research. This didn’t stop Fauci from approving a grant to Chinese researchers to allow controversial, unethical research on coronaviruses to continue. In fact, in 2019, Dr. Fauci helped approve an additional $3.7 million to Wuhan to continue with another six years of coronavirus gain-of-function research. The initial American-Chinese bio-weapons collaboration was published by two Chinese researchers, Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao, in February 2020, only to be censored by the CCP shortly thereafter. The controversial bio-weapon research was aided by U.S. scientists Ralph Barric from the University of North Carolina and Charles Lieber from Harvard.

President Donald Trump ultimately halted the bio-weapons research in 2020 after the infamous mysterious respiratory pathogen, named covid-19, emerged from Wuhan, China. In an attempt to shield himself and the CCP from accountability, Dr. Fauci continues to deny the origin of SARS-CoV-2, even though he has participated in bio-weapon research with the CCP dating back to 2014.

Fauci’s public health strategy further destabilizes the US, to force America to succumb to the CCP

Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
But he looks so sweet and innocent.

Anthony Fauci: 40 Years of Lies From AZT to Remdesivir

Last week, US president Donald Trump committed a kind of blasphemy by attacking Anthony Fauci, his pandemic consultant and practically the spokesperson for the White House regarding COVID-19, saying that:

People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots. He's been here for 500 years.  Fauci is a disaster. If I listened to him, we'd have 500,000 deaths."

A remarkable statement of historical dimension, since Trump is the first American head of state to cast doubt on Fauci, who has acted as the virus tsar for no less than six presidencies: Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush Jr., Obama and Trump.


The simple reason is that the COVID-19 death rate data show unambiguously that a viral cause for the excess mortality seen in some countries, including the US, is virtually impossible — and that instead the massive experimental use of highly toxic drugs is the key factor in this context, as I recently outlined together with Claus Köhnlein MD, in an in-depth analysis for Real News Australia.

Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
Just when it was becoming fun arguing with franky1, we find that we could rename him to fauci1.

Dr. Fauci's COVID-19 Treachery With Chilling Ties to the Chinese Military PDF

Dr. Fauci’s COVID-19 Treachery
With Chilling Ties to the Chinese Military
by Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger R. Breggin


This report documents in detail how Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has been the major force behind a series of research activities and other government actions that enabled the Chinese Communist Party to create lethal SARS coronaviruses, leading to the release of SARS-CoV-2from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Fauci continues to cover for the Chinese and for himself, denying the origin of SARS-CoV-2, and delaying and thwarting worldwide attempts to deal rationally with the pandemic.

This report documents with more than 100 linked citations the following activities by Dr. Fauci:

(1) Until stopped by President Trump in mid-April 2020, Fauci funded both individual Chinese researchers and the Wuhan Institute as collaboratorswith Americanresearchersin creating lethal coronavirusesfrom harmless bat viruses. This collaboration and direct funding enabled the Chinese Communist Party and its military to make potential bioweapons on their own, including SARS-CoV-2.In April 2020, shortly after our disclosure of theseUS/Chinese collaborations, President Trump canceledfundingfor them. However, Fauci has recently unleashed a deluge of new funding that will almost certainly benefit Chinese scientists at universities and research facilities in this country who have close ties to the Chinese Communist Party.

(2) The connection between SARS-CoV-2 and the Fauci-funded American and Chinese collaboration making coronaviruses was initially made in February 2020 in a scientific publication by an American-trained (Northwestern University and Harvard Medical School) Chinese researcher named Botao Xiaoand his associate Lei Xiao. Perhaps because it was so cogently written and spot on, the Chinese Communist government forced the researchers to recant.  

(3)  The Wuhan Institute is a center of China’s bio-warfare/bio-defense capacity and its director is China’s top military expert in bio-warfare, and yet Fauci shared advanced bio-warfare-related research with and actually funded the Wuhan Institute and its scientists.  

(4) Fauci has funded and continues to fund coronavirus “gain-of-function” research projects which turn benign animal viruses into human pathogens capable of causing pandemics.  The stated purpose is to learn to prevent and treat future outbreaks; but research labs are the most common source of outbreaks from dangerous pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2, as well as two earlier accidental escapes by SARS viruses in 2004 from a research facility in Beijing.

(5) In 2014, when blocked by an order from President Barak Obama from funding dangerous “gain-of-function” studies, Fauci outsourced the research to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.  He also covertly continued to fund the major gain-of-function collaboration between US and Chinese Wuhan Institute researchers, led by Menachery et al. at the University of North Carolina.  Fauci thus made a mockery of President Obama’s attempts to stop the potentially catastrophic research.

(6) In order to outsource dangerous viral research from the US to China during the Obama moratorium, Fauci prematurely approved the Wuhan Institute as a highest level containment facility (known as BSL-4) capable of safely working with lethal viruses.  

He did this while knowing the Institute had a very poor safety record and while also knowing that all such facilities in China are overseen by the military as part of its bio-warfare program. Thus, Fauci created two grave worldwide threats, the accidental release of a deadly coronavirus and/or its use as a military weapon.

(7) Without fanfare, toward the end of the first year of the Trump administrationin 2017, Fauci and NIH canceled President Obama’s moratorium against building viral pathogens in US labs and openly restored gain-of-function research creating lethal viruses.The original moratorium was a direct order by President Obama on White House stationery while its undoing was a decision made within the National Institutes of Health and NIAID, probably without Trump’s knowledge.

[Read a load more at the link.]

Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
Fauci must have watched the Galaxy Quest movie... "Never Give up. Never give in."

Fauci: 'Hunker Down Again!' Top Scientists: 'No Way!'

As Fauci warns Americans that they need to 'hunker down' again to avoid viruses, a group of top scientists and epidemiologists have released a detailed plan to get over the covid crisis while actually preserving lives. Also today: the economic costs of the shutdown continue to devastate and...victory in Michigan against a tyrant?

Fauci: 'Hunker Down Again!' Top Scientists: 'No Way!'

Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
The truth is finally coming out. It's coming from another doctor who is high in power in US government. And he knows well enough what is going on that Fauci can't effectively contradict him. Fauci is being pushed into a corner where he just might be sent to prison in the near future.

Scott Atlas Just Hit Back at Fauci

No, but (1) he's simply relaying what the epidemiologists are saying, and any intelligent person can do that; and (2) he is trying to encourage Americans to think about the long-term effects on everyone of the fanaticism over COVID — and is that a concern we were seeing expressed under Fauci? Is there any indication that Fauci recognizes collateral damage from shutdowns at all?

Atlas mentions names — drawn from Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford — that have never been uttered under the Fauci regime and would never have been heard by the American public otherwise.

And just the other day, with Laura Ingraham, he hit back at Redfield (of the CDC) and Fauci, pointing out that they've been all over the place.

In particular, he made fun of Fauci for suggesting that we really ought to be wearing goggles (remember that?).

He insists that it's "destructive" to lock down healthy people, that we know who the vulnerable people are, and that "public health officials" have neglected the public-health effects of lockdowns themselves: these problems have "not been given the appropriate consideration by the public health officials who somehow think they have unique expertise," he says.

Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
Constantly flip-flopping on what he says... contradicting himself and the CDC... messing with the lives of Americans who placed their trust in him. Breaking a sacred trust is one of the worst things a person can do. And in Fauci's position, he stands to make $billions by doing it. In earlier societies, when a person failed so miserably as Fauci, they would honorably take their own life.

On top of it, government trying to save face.

Fauci: In-person voting in November can be done safely

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), recently said that in-person voting for the November presidential elections can be done safely – provided that necessary health protocols are followed.

“I think if carefully done, according to the guidelines, there’s no reason that I can’t see why that not be the case,” he said during an event.

Fauci described an example in an attempt to illustrate that physical distancing is a key factor. “[When] you look at … many cities that are doing it correctly, they have X’s every six or more feet. And it says ‘Don’t leave this spot until the person in front of you left their spot.’” He remarked that people can wear a mask, observe physical distancing and avoid crowded situations – and there was no reason for them not to do so.

However, he warned that anyone at risk of being exposed to the coronavirus should not risk going out. “If you’re a person who is compromised physically or otherwise, you don’t want to take that chance,” Fauci said.

Polling precincts should follow health protocols to ensure safe in-person voting

Dr. Fauci’s statements follow allegations of possible mail-in vote fraud, which some states have implemented due to safety concerns. President Donald Trump himself has repeatedly expressed opposition to widespread voting by mail.

The president assured that people “have to be safe … and we will make sure that they’re safe” when voting in person during a White House press briefing. “We want people to vote so when they vote, it means one vote; it doesn’t mean ballots all over the place,” he continued.

The use of large X’s spaced a few meters apart to show where voters should stand, similar to how grocery stores and other institutions would show customers the proper distance, was among the measures Fauci outlined for polling areas to ensure coronavirus-free voting.

Pandemic an opportunity for Democrats to rig upcoming elections

It appears that the Democratic Party is pulling out all the stops to ensure that the events of 2016, in which Hillary Clinton lost to President Donald Trump, will never happen again. Their insistence with mail-in voting over coronavirus concerns contrasts with its promotion of Black Lives Matter protests that disregard social distancing measures.

Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
So, you don't think that Fauci and the CDC are pulling off mass murder. Well, think again. Watch the video and think a third time. The reason why Dr. Andrew Kaufman and others haven't found any reports showing the Covid virus having been isolated, is in this video.

MUST WATCH! |Corona virus | David E. martin PHD | missing link

Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
More and more doctors are coming out with reasons why Dr. Fauci should be placed on trial for mass murder. But now it's not only mass murder. It's also destruction of whole economies around the world.

Doctors Pen Open Letter To Fauci Regarding The Use Of Hydroxychloroquine for Treating COVID-19

You are largely unchallenged in terms of your medical opinions. You are the de facto "COVID-19 Czar". This is unusual in the medical profession in which doctors' opinions are challenged by other physicians in the form of exchanges between doctors at hospitals, medical conferences, as well as debate in medical journals. You render your opinions unchallenged, without formal public opposition from physicians who passionately disagree with you. It is incontestable that the public is best served when opinions and policy are based on the prevailing evidence and science, and able to withstand the scrutiny of medical professionals.

As experience accrued in treating COVID-19 infections, physicians worldwide discovered that high-risk patients can be treated successfully as an outpatient, within the first 5 to 7 days of the onset of symptoms, with a "cocktail" consisting of hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and azithromycin (or doxycycline). Multiple scholarly contributions to the literature detail the efficacy of the hydroxychloroquine-based combination treatment.


EDIT: Seems that the governors of at least several States of the USA fall into the same mass-murder/economy-destruction as Dr. Fauci, and should suffer the same penalties as he ultimately will.
Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
More and more reports coming in from around the world, expressing what that Dr. Fauci knew all along, that hydroxychloroquine cures/controls Coronavirus.

JAIL FAUCI: New Report Compares Turkey COVID Treatment with HCQ vs. USA Without HCQ...

A new report was released by Sky News on Turkey's COVID-19 Coronavirus early hydroxychloroquine treatment strategy and the results are clear.

The early treatment program in Turkey relies on hydroxychloroquine as the first step in the therapeutic process. reported:

Sky News' story about "Turkey's COVID Detectives" by special correspondent Alex Crawford is remarkable. It not only covers the track and trace teams in action in Turkey, but also the therapeutic approach, which relies on hydroxychloroquine as a first step to treat symptomatic patients.

The Turkish approach is at odds with most countries, such as the UK, where symptomatic patients are asked to stay home, wait, until the symptoms essentially become unbearable, and then serious complications and hospitalization become very likely.

Such reporting about early treatment is typically absent from mainstream media coverage, so this coverage needs to be celebrated. The pictures are also remarkable.

"As soon as a patient has symptoms, they are treated with hydroxychloroquine tablets and/or favipiravir at home. Follow-up calls quickly spot if the symptoms worsen, and then they will be admitted to hospital."

Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
doctors do not just diagnose everyone with covid

But if Fauci had his way they would. And some of them so diagnose way more than they should.

Wake up to the 21st century crime.

Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
doctors do not just diagnose everyone with covid
there are specific tests, actual devices and equipment that can analyze things
they know the specific symptomology.

i know you think it the 1700 where people are just diagnosed as witches.. but things have moved a hell of alot forward in 300 years

wake up to the 21st century
Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
I think the governors who decided to put coronations patients into nursing homes should be investigated. I feel it was done maliciously in order to keep the death count higher. Perhaps to get more bailout money from the Federal Government.

Right. They could have found empty buildings for them, or even had the State reserves put up tents until suitable buildings could be found or built.


so i know you want to play games of saying covid is fake because the reporting wasnt accurate in feb-march-april. but your just digging yourself a hole going down the 'covid is fake' script.

Well, what is Covid to the average person? Isn't it something like, "I don't feel well. The doctors are diagnosing Covid. My aunt died of illness that the doctors diagnosed as Covid."

So you see that Covid is real to people because doctors are using the word, not because a Covid virus is doing something to people.

Since there are possibly millions of viruses, there might be a Covid virus. But the pandemic isn't being caused by a Covid virus, and not even by a Coronavirus. The pandemic is being caused by people who want a pandemic for money or political reasons. So they are not clear about what they are saying.

The point about it in this thread is that, whatever is causing the illness, has been successfully treated with hydroxychloroquine + zinc, around the world and in places in the US. Dr. Fauci knew hydroxychloroquine would work from the studies he did in 2005. Since he hid this knowledge, and many people died because of it, he is a mass murderer.

Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794
I think the governors who decided to put coronations patients into nursing homes should be investigated. I feel it was done maliciously in order to keep the death count higher. Perhaps to get more bailout money from the Federal Government.

Right. They could have found empty buildings for them, or even had the State reserves put up tents until suitable buildings could be found or built.


this is the only time you actually found something that is a real problem
yes discharging people from hospitals before fully recovered. was done as a quick measure to free-up the bed so that new patients needing oxygen and treatment can get it

yes maybe by discharging them it could temporarily look good on reports that the discharge vs death in hospital due to covid looks more better. but by may when they done better analysis and started to include death in retirement homes. it obviously didnt help the reporting.

so i know you want to play games of saying covid is fake because the reporting wasnt accurate in feb-march-april. but your just digging yourself a hole going down the 'covid is fake' script.

however once you get out out of the hole you dug for yourself and realise covid is real and start looking at where the government actually failed its citizens. then you might have a rational thought and something worthy of talking about

heres a few hints at government failing citizens you should care about
1. china shut down its flights in january but the US government done its own repatriation flights to bring people from china and europe into US(trump brought in alot of cases to the us, under his order)

2. during january/february. US had alot of time to prepare and organise getting supplies. but they didnt react until march-april

3. instead of saying 'we should do something' they instead were just saying 'they caused it' thus getting nothing done early on, shifting blame while sitting on their hands

4. trump does what badecker does. says things he doesnt know/believe and then says its not his words he is just repeating messages of other people. when saying something publicly take responsibity for what you say even if its not your own original thought

5. governments are quick to hand out tax bis with 14-28 day deadines.. but when they order lockdowns offering compensation schemes to affected citizens in march but dont pay out the compensations until may-june. thats not helpful

6. not preparing hospitals/retirement homes in january/february.
sending people home from hospital in march while still not fully recovered. and not sorting it out until april-may once the first peak was over

7. even now they have not started preparing for a second wave. though things are better than pre-first wave. there are still alot of issues not being addressed for the second wave.

8. contact tracers. in june it was estimated to need over 180k contact tracers. but only had 28k
to avoid a massive second wave and only have a minor second third forth wave. more contact tracers are needed.

9. proper first day and everyday when needed support physically and financially  for those being isolated due to being sick or informed to isolate due to contact tracers.
by doing all the shopping. getting prescriptions and just checking on peoples health and wellbeing. this can reduce the burden on people having to isolate and actually help them avoid going to the shops when sick, thus avoiding the spread.
financial support so they can do home deliveries instead of local store purchasing helps also
yes you can buy a $2 coffee at a walk-in cafe.. but no way can you get the same coffee delivered for that price

sweden done this and china and other countries. heck the UK have social groups on facebook of just kind hearted people wanting to help out people in their town. heck even antivaxxer jetcash is helping out someone he knows so that she dont have to go out herself.
without contact tracers and people to help those isolating. those that do isolate would end up breaking isolation thus causing more spread at times of peaks when its not needed or wanted to spread that much.

10. better funded and equipped hospitals to actually treat and look after patients for the entirety of their illness. not send them home hours after they got over the worse part
Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
I think the governors who decided to put coronations patients into nursing homes should be investigated. I feel it was done maliciously in order to keep the death count higher. Perhaps to get more bailout money from the Federal Government.

Right. They could have found empty buildings for them, or even had the State reserves put up tents until suitable buildings could be found or built.

Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385

already debunked
first women on stage is called simone. she has not done any frontline covid patient treatment
her words are the there is 2 diseases of covid. theres the disease before infection and the disease after infection
and HCQ she sells treats the covid symptoms of the covid disease BEFORE a person is infected

so when people have no symptoms before even being infected she calls that a job well done..
common sense and logic and science and just basic intelliagence is that people dont have symptoms before being infected anyway.
second one is a guy called bob hamilton. he is a pediatiric private doctor. again not a doctor that treats covid patients.
though he says child mortality rate is 0.2% the symptomatic rate is not low
if it was low symptomatic rate of say 3% then yea have classes of 30 students with a risk of it spreading to just another kid.
but the symptomatic rate is not 3% its much higher which is why schools are hoping to have only 10-15 students per class
the very funny part is
everyone in america knows may-august is normal summer break. so when idiots are saying that the schools should open may-august. they are not even thinking about the normal school calender.
third person knows about HCQ due to her teachings in africa.. but. she is the women that is saying people get sick from alien sperm..

badecker is soo brainwashed. that he would rather avoid doing things that are free .. respecting personal space.. but would happily buy chemicals from big pharma(HCQ is theirs) and take drugs, drink bleach. .. yet he then pretends he is against big pharma and against advertising snake oil salesmen

absolute idiot doesnt even realise what he is advertising or the scripts he writes

first of all. doctors know there are risks with HCQ because it actually inhibits the immune response.
do you know what that means. that although your not getting the normal immune response fever. it does not mean your OK. its means your body is being told not to fight it

so badecker the idiot wants to inhibit the immune response so that people dont get a fever and think they are fine and then suddenly go straight to the coughing/pneumonia stage.

this is why many medications should not just be taken by idiots at home as a daily suppliment but given to peole at the right time for the right purpose
there are a few immuno surpressing drugs that help. but they need to be given to patients at the right time to solve the right symptom

even in all the HCQ studies. there was still the same way above 10% of hospitalised peolpe that needed to be intubated. so its not a cure

taking painkillers does not fix a bad back. it just hides the symptoms meaning you can actually do more damage to your back and not realise it.
so other treatments for bad backs should be tried and not just being a pill-mill for drud addicts

Approximately 100% of what you are doing is nit-picking on words and focusing on the wrong thing.

Activity: 70
Merit: 0
I think the governors who decided to put coronations patients into nursing homes should be investigated. I feel it was done maliciously in order to keep the death count higher. Perhaps to get more bailout money from the Federal Government.
Activity: 4424
Merit: 4794

already debunked
first women on stage is called simone. she has not done any frontline covid patient treatment
her words are the there is 2 diseases of covid. theres the disease before infection and the disease after infection
and HCQ she sells treats the covid symptoms of the covid disease BEFORE a person is infected

so when people have no symptoms before even being infected she calls that a job well done..
common sense and logic and science and just basic intelliagence is that people dont have symptoms before being infected anyway.
second one is a guy called bob hamilton. he is a pediatiric private doctor. again not a doctor that treats covid patients.
though he says child mortality rate is 0.2% the symptomatic rate is not low
if it was low symptomatic rate of say 3% then yea have classes of 30 students with a risk of it spreading to just another kid.
but the symptomatic rate is not 3% its much higher which is why schools are hoping to have only 10-15 students per class
the very funny part is
everyone in america knows may-august is normal summer break. so when idiots are saying that the schools should open may-august. they are not even thinking about the normal school calender.
third person knows about HCQ due to her teachings in africa.. but. she is the women that is saying people get sick from alien sperm..

badecker is soo brainwashed. that he would rather avoid doing things that are free .. respecting personal space.. but would happily buy chemicals from big pharma(HCQ is theirs) and take drugs, drink bleach. .. yet he then pretends he is against big pharma and against advertising snake oil salesmen

absolute idiot doesnt even realise what he is advertising or the scripts he writes

first of all. doctors know there are risks with HCQ because it actually inhibits the immune response.
do you know what that means. that although your not getting the normal immune response fever. it does not mean your OK. its means your body is being told not to fight it

so badecker the idiot wants to inhibit the immune response so that people dont get a fever and think they are fine and then suddenly go straight to the coughing/pneumonia stage.

this is why many medications should not just be taken by idiots at home as a daily supplement but given to people at the right time for the right purpose
there are a few immuno suppressing drugs that help. but they need to be given to patients at the right time to solve the right symptom

even in all the HCQ studies. there was still the same way above 10% of hospitalised people that needed to be intubated. so its not a cure

taking painkillers does not fix a bad back. it just hides the symptoms meaning you can actually do more damage to your back and not realise it.
so other treatments for bad backs should be tried and not just being a pill-mill for drug addicts
Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
It wouldn't be so bad if Fauci hadn't known, but he knew because he did the tests in 2005. And he wasn't ignorant of what the other countries were showing and doing. And also the doctors right in the USA.

Other people are finding out about the Fauci mass murder scheme. The below article is more of them. Watch the video. It's becoming so popular that they are making videos about mass murder Fauci. Note that Deborah Birx is named in this one.

JAIL FAUCI: Massive International Study Shows Countries w Early HCQ Use Had 79% Lower Mortality Rate

The latest international testing of hydroxychloroquine treatment of coronavirus shows countries that had early use of the drug had a 79% lower mortality rate than countries that banned the use of the safe malaria drug.

This means that Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, the CDC, the liberal fake news media and the tech giants have been pushing a lie that has had deadly consequences!

America has lost (reportedly) over 150,000 lives.

And that could have been lowered by nearly 80% if HCQ use would have been promoted in the US!

On Wednesday night Dr. Ramin Osoui went on with Laura Ingraham to discuss this study that involves the populations of 2 billion people.

Activity: 3990
Merit: 1385
Go to the website listed, and check out the FDA document (PDF) that proves that Fauci is lying about not using anecdotal "proof" for a drug. In fact, one of the standards all along has been to use almost proven drugs... which is anecdotal in Fauci's eyes.

Fauci the mass murder, and Dr Zeleko actually says it... with some reservations, at the website listed below. Also, watch Del Bigtree interview Dr. Vladimir Zelenko here

Hidden FDA Doc Explains Why "Liar" Fauci Opposes Hydroxychloroquine, Top Doctors Explain

A document no longer available from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration regarding "Emergency Use Authorization" of potential COVID-19 treatments appears to suggest that hydroxychloroquine satisfies the criteria for the classification, but would stand in the way of lucrative other drugs, and a vaccine.

The possible treatment, shunned by the mainstream media and Big Tech, has far-ranging champions from Yale epidemiologists to frontline doctors to President Trump. Despite this support, corroborated by scientific studies, the medical establishment under the auspices of Dr. Anthony Fauci have refused to grant hydroxychloroquine "Emergency Use Authorization" (EUA).

July 29th documents from a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) presentation reveal, however, that the "qualifying criteria" for extending EUA to the drug appear to have been met: it "may be effective" and that "no adequate, approved, and available alternative" exists.

The document makes clear that Emergency Use Authorization cannot be used for more than one drug or therapeutic, and the establishment is potentially therefore saving the EUA pre-emptively for vaccines and remdesivir – patently high-value Big Pharma drugs – instead of hydroxychloroquine.

Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who authored a study on the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine, outlined the medical establishment's campaign against the drug on the War Room: Pandemic show.

He emphasized that Dr. Fauci has "lied to the American people" by insisting that authorizing a treatment for COVID-19 rests on "controlled trials to get anything through the FDA."

"That is not true. That has never been the historical precedent and almost no other medication has ever had to meet those standards," Dr. Zelenko continued.

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