Does anyone know where i can see a full list of algos supported?
Can you buy with BTC?
Hi minerja, thanks for your questions
If you look at the Original Post we have updated it with the current list of miners that are integrated with PIMP but i'll put it below. These managed profiles are working sandbox examples you can use to test and then you put your own pool/wallet info into the cfg file using our tools. Each miner supports various algorithms and hardware. We are happy to help you choose by making recommendations.
We have always accepted crypto and paypal for payment. Both PiMP OS purchases at getpimp.org/shop/pimp and miner.farm subscriptions use CoinPayments.net merchant for checkout. We are very fortunate to say we have never had any issue with them, very very highly recommend. Currently I think we have enabled BTC, ETH, XMR, and a few others. The reason we have to limit is due to the fact that we calculate and pay income tax on the crypto income. We have developed a nice system with our Crypto Accountant, Brash, who makes sure we are always compliant. BTW: He is available to answer any of your crypto tax questions, email to ask at getpimp.org
Hope this information helps you find your way to our community! Take care.
~ melt
Miner profiles included with PIMP:
# pimp --add
Platform type: mixed
Profiles available to add:
ID Name
1101 (amd) sgminer-gm: multialgo [sgminer.multi.conf]
1201 (amd) teamredminer: cryptonights/phi2/lyra2z [teamredminer.pcfg]
1251 (amd) cast-xmr: cryptonights [cast-xmr.pcfg]
1321 (amd) sgminer-fancyix: phi2/lyra2z/allium/x22i/lyra2h [sgminer-fancyix.conf]
1701 (amd) claymore xmr amd: cryptonights [claymore.xmr.amd.pcfg]
1871 (amd/nvi) wildrig-multi: bcd/x16/x22i/more [wildrig-multi.mix.pcfg]
1872 (amd) wildrig-multi: bcd/x16/x22i/more [wildrig-multi.amd.pcfg]
1873 (nvi) wildrig-multi: bcd/x16/x22i/more [wildrig-multi.nvi.pcfg]
1961 (amd) avermore x16r/x16s [avermore.conf]
2101 (nvi) ccminer: multialgo [ccminer.multi.pcfg]
2401 (amd/nvi) claymore dual: eth+dcr/lbry/sia/pasc/blake2s [claymore-dual.mix.pcfg]
2402 (amd) claymore dual: eth+dcr/lbry/sia/pasc/blake2s [claymore-dual.amd.pcfg]
2403 (nvi) claymore dual: eth+dcr/lbry/sia/pasc/blake2s [claymore-dual.nvi.pcfg]
2451 (amd/nvi) ethminer: ethash [ethminer.mix.pcfg]
2452 (amd) ethminer: ethash [ethminer.amd.pcfg]
2453 (nvi) ethminer: ethash [ethminer.nvi.pcfg]
2501 (nvi) ewbf: equihash (btg/btz) [ewbf.equihash.pcfg]
2511 (amd) bminer (pimp 2.8+): ethash/ycash/equihash/btm/beam/grin/dcr/xvg [bminer.amd.pcfg]
2512 (nvi) bminer (pimp 2.8+): ethash/ycash/equihash/btm/beam/grin/dcr/xvg [bminer.nvi.pcfg]
2531 (amd/nvi) gminer: equihash/beam/grin [gminer.mix.pcfg]
2532 (amd) gminer: equihash/beam/grin [gminer.amd.pcfg]
2533 (nvi) gminer: equihash/beam/grin [gminer.nvi.pcfg]
2601 (nvi) zenemy: x16r/x16s/tribus/xevan/c11/more [zenemy.multi.pcfg]
2701 (nvi) cryptodredge: cryptonights/lyra2v2/phi/more [cryptodredge.pcfg]
2801 (nvi) t-rex: x16r/x22i/hmq1725/x17/phi/more [t-rex.pcfg]
2901 (amd/nvi) nbminer: ethash/bytom/grin/swap [nbminer.mix.pcfg]
2902 (amd) nbminer: ethash/bytom/grin/swap [nbminer.amd.pcfg]
2903 (nvi) nbminer: ethash/bytom/grin/swap [nbminer.nvi.pcfg]
3101 (cpu) cpuminer-multi: xmr [cpuminer-multi.xmr.pcfg]
3102 (cpu) cpuminer-multi: aeon [cpuminer-multi.aeon.pcfg]
3121 (cpu) cpuminer-opt: multialgo [cpuminer-opt.pcfg]
3151 (cpu) xmrig-cpu: cryptonights [xmrig.cpu.pcfg]
3152 (amd) xmrig-amd: cryptonights [xmrig.amd.pcfg]
3153 (nvi) xmrig-nvidia: cryptonights [xmrig.nvi.pcfg]
3161 (cpu) xmrig-proxy: cryptonights [xmrig-proxy.pcfg]
3201 (amd) xmr-aeonstak: cryptonights by indeedminers [xmr-aeonstak.amd.pcfg]
3202 (cpu) xmr-aeonstak: cryptonights by indeedminers [xmr-aeonstak.cpu.pcfg]
3203 (nvi) xmr-aeonstak: cryptonights by indeedminers [xmr-aeonstak.nvi.pcfg]
3251 (amd) xmr-stak: cryptonights by fireiceuk [xmr-stak.amd.pcfg]
3252 (cpu) xmr-stak: cryptonights by fireiceuk [xmr-stak.cpu.pcfg]
3253 (nvi) xmr-stak: cryptonights by fireiceuk [xmr-stak.nvi.pcfg]
3261 (amd) xmr-stak-rx: randomx by fireiceuk [xmr-stak-rx.amd.pcfg]
3262 (cpu) xmr-stak-rx: randomx by fireiceuk [xmr-stak-rx.cpu.pcfg]
3263 (nvi) xmr-stak-rx: randomx by fireiceuk [xmr-stak-rx.nvi.pcfg]
3301 (amd/nvi) progpowminer: bci [progpow.mix.pcfg]
3302 (amd) progpowminer: bci [progpow.amd.pcfg]
3303 (nvi) progpowminer: bci [progpow.nvi.pcfg]
3401 (amd/nvi) lolminer: multialgo (beam/btcz/btcp) [lolminer.mix.pcfg]
3402 (amd) lolminer: multialgo (beam/btcz/btcp) [lolminer.amd.pcfg]
3403 (nvi) lolminer: multialgo (beam/btcz/btcp) [lolminer.nvi.pcfg]
3501 (amd/nvi) phoenixminer: dual eth/ubq+dcr/lbry/sia/pasc/blake2s [phoenixminer.mix.pcfg]
3502 (amd) phoenixminer: dual eth/ubq+dcr/lbry/sia/pasc/blake2s [phoenixminer.amd.pcfg]
3503 (nvi) phoenixminer: dual eth/ubq+dcr/lbry/sia/pasc/blake2s [phoenixminer.nvi.pcfg]
5101 (asic) bfgminer: for usb gridseed/asics [bfg.gsd.conf]
5102 (asic) bfgminer: for usb zeus/asics [bfg.zeus.conf]
5151 (asic) bfgminer: for usb futurebit asics [bfg.futurebit.conf]
5211 (asic) cgminer-dmaxl: for usb gridseed asics [cgminer.gsd.conf]
5221 (asic) cgminer-dmaxl: for usb zeus asics [cgminer.zeus.conf]
5301 (asic) cgminer-gekko: for usb gekkoscience 2pac asics [cgminer.gekko.conf]
5321 (asic) cgminer-ckolivas: for usb nanofury SHA-256 asics [cgminer.nanofury.conf]
Usage: pimp --add [Profile ID]