Many people are too cheap to spend money on hardware wallets. They only support limited currencies as well so they're good for the big ones like BTC, LTC, ETH etc but for all the other tokens they likely won't be of any use.
You don't need a hardware wallet to store you Bitcoins safely, an air gapped machine will do the job too.
But it takes a bit more time to set-up as you have to verify the authenticity of the executable/installer and make sure your machine is not infected nor connected to the internet. I also think it's a better practice to do it your own way however I understand that non-technical people rather just buy a hardware wallet.
Can you explain what this is?
You could just google it:
Also: of existing solutions
The bitcoin ecosystem is still relatively young and unfortunately not many user friendly and highly secure wallets have been developed yet.
Today these are the two best ways to secure your bitcoins against theft:
1. Using a hardware wallet such as TREZOR.
A hardware wallet has two functions - it stores your Bitcoins in a hardened device that is designed to be simple and highly resistant to the usual range of attacks (viruses, hackers, keyloggers).
2. Create a cold storage wallet using BitKey.
Cold storage wallets generates and stores private wallet keys on a clean air-gapped computer.
Used correctly, an air-gapped wallet is safe from all online threats, such as viruses and hackers. It is however still exposed to offline threats, such as hardware keyloggers, extortion, or people looking over your shoulder.
To spend funds from cold storage securely, an unsigned transaction is generated on an Internet connected computer. An unsigned transaction is akin to to an unsigned check. The unsigned transaction is then transfered to the air-gapped computer to be verified & signed with the wallet keys.
Using a cold storage wallet on an air-gapped computer may seem tedious, but remember that security almost always comes at the cost of convenience.
Air-gapping is probably unnecessary and complicated for the basic user though and I would just recommend a hardware wallet instead. Using a computer, tablet or phone that you
only use for your bitcoin wallet would be another suggestion.