I bet more do not smoke than do.. just the trend these days i think.
I started in my parents home at 11 years old.
I got caught sneaking around smoking and i was confronted by my MOM.
Who said she had discussed it with my step-dad..
She said it would be safer than sneaking around smoking.
I was smoking a pack a day + by 12 years old.
I turn 41 this year and i have gone no more than "hours" quitting.
I think i will die a smoker !
I also have known more than once person who either died or almost died from it.
My room-mate 1.5 years ago had part of his lung cut out from cancer for example
And he started smoking again a few months later.
So in case you all did not figure it out.. smoking is addictive (probably a good idea to avoid it)
So post your comment & vote ..and sorry pot-heads this Poll here is not for you LOL
Comments ?
I tried smoking natural tobacco before and it was garbage.
It was like grabbing some random leaves from a tree & smoking it.
Every aspect of it sucked.. probably because there was no chemicals sprayed on it.
I had heard before they create freebase-nicotine and spray it on.
There was talk of this in court cases long ago and Big Tobacco said it was for "regulating" levels of nicotine.
Also if you are an American have you tried smoking our Canadian cigarettes ? Like them ?