I take it that you can't read. The information shown shows that Evan instamined roughly half of the Dash that was emitted during that time, and there were at most 100 other 'miners' using services such as amazon and microsoft. That's comparable to NXT's distribution of just avg '70' people. So yes, very few people mined during that time and I highly doubt each ec2 was a different person(I'm betting many of them were owned by Evan and co).
I didn't read the whole wall of text, just randomly clicked a link that said "nobody could compile". The proof of the claim was a link to a post, but the very next post was the guy admitting it was his own fault he couldn't compile, not Evan's:
If the rest of the "proof" is as solid, it's not worth it to read further.
Ok, so you didn't read the whole text yet you have the audacity to continue cluelessly arguing here? Please, get lost troll.
Read this:
From this list of nodes, at 8h34 am (4h40 after launch) there were 50 Amazon AWS node and 50 microsoft cloud computing instamining DRK (checked using IP whois service). This is 100/124 nodes using cloud computing to instamine DRK. We are at block 2870 and block reward is 500. From block 1153-1729 block reward is 277. After that it is 500 again hence 2294 block at 500 + 576 at 277 = 1306552 DRK (worth about 13M$ now) were instamined in less than 5 hour by Edufield and coworkers using about 100 cloud mining instances. Edufield himself instamined in not even 5 h from 600K to 1169K DRK ((1306K-600K)*100/124 + 600K) depending how many of the 100 cloud mining instance were its own. All this while having purposefully set the difficult ridiculously low and block reward 100 times what it is now.
From 6M$ - 13M$ in 5 h, Edufield did some lucrative work here!
Edufield is nominee for the Master Scammer 2014 award!"
How do you know those nodes were the only nodes at the time the user "turtle83" had made the list?
How do you know those nodes were the only nodes that had mined before the user "turtle83" had made the list?
How do you know those nodes were the only nodes that mined after (but still during the "instamine period") the user "turtle83" had made the list?
We can only use the information we have, since there's no information of other nodes then asking those questions are irrelevant. Stop being Subjective and Stop trolling.