Wanna know the real question? How do we exactly define aliens? Who knows, maybe there's an alien in this planet right now. We just don't know it.
Intelligent is what i meant by the topic i started here (not simple cell organisms)
The topic though ?
I find it doubtful but possible.
In order for a race of smart Aliens to come here they would have to defy the laws of reality.
This goes far beyond the scope of technology.
We're talking about the root fabric of the universe itself.
No Aliens could get here in a reasonable time frame with out defying the laws of the universe.
Could technology accomplish a work around ?
Remotely possible yes but we don't know that.. that is just wild crazy speculation.
Basically Aliens would need a space ship etc that could break the speed of light barrier.
And not only break it but REEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY fucking break it !
Think of it this way.. it would take a lot just to break even with light, never mind exceed it.
The faster you move the heavier you become until your basically not moving at all.
Then on top of that you need to traverse colossal distances.
If a race of Aliens in Andromeda wanted to get here to visit us
it would take them 5.5 MILLION years travel time at the speed of light.. which is impossible as we know it.
And if they could do that why why they even think there would be life here anyway.
There would be almost no trace of us left here in 5.5 million years.
It's almost impossible for us to live that long
I said it earlier on this topic.. i don't think most Alien "believers"
Know about or grasp the Science.
Most of it is stats & odd's
And no matter what aspect you look at the odd's are bad.. REEEEALLY BAD !
The fact we are here is a brutal set of coincidences that all happened together.
If we did not have a moon EXACTLY where it is created at the EXACT time
made the EXACT size it is we would not even be here !
When we look around the solar system we see hundreds of moons and 0 like ours.
Once again adding Rarity and once again making the odd's of others being out there being even more unlikely.
Life doesn't live long.. we are in fact doomed to die and become extinct.. and soon !
This is backed by a whoooooole lot of science.
And it is the ultimate summation of the TV series Science Documentary on this very subject
presented by Professor Brian Cox -
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_UniverseIn the end he postulates we have not been visited because
there is really next to no one out there that CAN get to us to visit.
Life has a tendency to get wiped out before it can even get going.
We forget how violent it is out here sitting here during a quiet period here on earth.
And his remarks on the old concept of a self replicating robot traveling space makes a great point.
It would be trivial he said to create bots that could self replicate and seed or galaxy
and its been said this galaxy could be populated by them end to end in a mere few million years.
SO many scientists have wondered.. then why don't we see any signs of them out there ?
Because there aren't any !
But there SHOULD be..
Don't forget the massive head start on Life other Aliens could have on us too.
And as Cox points out.. the silence is still deafening.
He also agreed with me on the show about estimates of Intelligent life out there being grossly exaggerated.
Just because there is a rock out there in the Goldie Locks zone is not nearly enough to support
the concept that life is prevalent everywhere.. that is
silly nonsense and highly unrealistic.