keepdoing, I'm still waiting for an explanation that come from you. If you're confident enough in it, you should at least be able to explain me why it is so good.
Well, it is simple really. Bitcoin is about decentralization. It's about "Bitcoin For the People".
You can't have that when you have a Centralized Governance Team - i.e. Blockstream/Core - that has major conflicts of interest, and who rule through methods of Censorship, FUD, Lies, Manipulation, Shrill Screeching when things don't go their way etc.The concept of Classic is incredibly simple:
1) Listen to the wishes of the Overwhelming Majority of the Community, and get on with what needs to be done, which in this instance is a small, reasonable Blocksize increase.
2) I'm going to quote the actual website on the next item....
"In the future we will continue to release updates that are in line with Satoshi’s whitepaper & vision, and are agreed upon by the community."3) Which brings us to the issue of Governance. Steps 1 & 2 are critical to Governance. A governance team that doesn't listen to the wishes of its people..... is not for the people. And a Governance Team that strays from the path towards a path that is in their own selfish interests..... cannot be trusted. And a Governance Team that employs the methods of rulership/leadership as outlined in bold above.... well, is not good at all.
But the main thing I like about Classic is this......
It allows for all possibilities. We get to take the chains off Bitcoin..... slowly, carefully and in controlled fashion.... and continue growing and testing the possibilities. I believe we haven't even touched the edges of the capabilities of Bitcoin. Blockstream/Core though is like one of these helicopter parents.... forever hovering, fearful, saying
"you can't do this", or
"Oh No - Be Careful you'll hurt yourself" You've got to back off and let the kid grow up! That's Blockstream/Core parenting. On the other end of spectrum was Mike Hearn/XT parenting.... just let the kid run wild with no discipline, no rules or restrictions whatsoever. BOTH are extremes, and bad examples of parenting.
The Classic Team will guide Bitcoin, but not smother it. As it grows it will have many adventures. It will encounter all types of financial friends. Some good. Some evil. But it is the LIFE OF A FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT! I say let it grow and explore the world.